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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dems Push to Make Buying Ammo Harder

House Democrats introduced a bill which seeks to restrict online ammunition purchases as well as track large orders.

The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015, introduced by Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D., N.J.), would require people who purchase ammunition online to display a photo ID in-person in order to receive the order. It would also require ammunition sellers to report to the Attorney General’s office any time they sell 1,000 rounds or more over a 5 day period to the same buyer.

The bill allows for online sales of ammunition so long as the buyer picks up the order in person. However, since most online sales do not currently involve a face-to-face interaction, the bill would outlaw most online ammunition sales.



  1. Back in the 1960's they required records of ammo purchases. They kept this up till Pres. Reagan signed a law doing away with it, why? Because it was proven it is stupid, burdensome, and never stopped a criminal. She obviously is young and dumm.

  2. She is 70 and you look dumb not dumm.

  3. Concerned retireeMay 14, 2015 at 6:38 PM

    Been buying and will keep it up until///////

  4. And you are on top of the world in smallsbury....lol

  5. 70 can still be dumb. Look at congressional and Senate D's.

    Too many to shoot at!

  6. This is exactly why I reload my own ammo. My reloading press and supplies are and will be an invaluable asset when these idiots finally succeed in de-arming society. I have over 20,000 rounds of ammo in well over a dozen calibers. People often ask me "why does anybody need that much ammo?" I always reply "Because I can and because they can't take it away." When it hits the fan, I will be the one that those people run to when the ammo shelves are bare. Not to mention, it is a pretty cool hobby to have - learning about ballistics and what makes certain ammo more accurate and reliable is very intriguing to me.


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