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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Democrat Blasts Benghazi Subpoena

Armed U. S. marshals delivered a congressional subpoena to the home of Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal to summon him before a special panel investigating the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who is the top Democrat on the Benghazi Committee, called the decision by the GOP to send marshals to Blumenthal's home "heavy-handed, aggressive and unnecessary," and a political tactic to undermine the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton.

Blumenthal, a longtime friend of the Clintons, sent emails to Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state that included intelligence reports on Libya.

The Benghazi panel is investigating the State Department's role before, during and after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on Benghazi, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

The subpoena requests that Blumenthal appear before the committee on June 3 to provide a deposition.

More here


  1. Sorry Cummings, the HildaBeast is undermining her own candidacy!

    It DOES make a difference!

  2. Cummings is so stupid that he doesn't even know it.

  3. Cummings is fulfilling his assigned role on the committee.

  4. "Heavy handed, aggressive and unnecessary" is what they do every time there is a no knock warrant executed on innocent people. I don't hear him commenting on those!

  5. Hurry up and have a stroke already.

  6. Why would a federal subpoena be served by someone other than a US Marshal?
    And aren't they normally armed?
    So what's the issue, Elijah?


  7. What a hot winded blow fish. Let's face it covering for Baltimore trash really has helped him.

  8. The dumbocrat party is nothing more than a crime organization

  9. I saw how stupid he was and looked during the Baltimore riots. He couldn't even hold and intelligent conversation with the reporters so he kept ducking them. Then he would get on the bullhorn telling the rioters to "Go Home, Go Home" during curfew. He really didn't care, just wanted to put on a show.


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