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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Clinton’s wealth under fire again ahead of Iowa trip

Hillary Clinton’s wealth is under fire again after new disclosure forms revealed that she and her husband made $30 million since January of last year.

The bulk of that money — in excess of $25 million — came from more than 100 paid speaking engagements Bill and Hillary Clinton gave during the past 16 months, averaging at more than $250,000 per speech. Hillary Clinton also earned more than $5 million in royalties from her 2014 book “Hard Choices,” while Bill Clinton earned at least $45,000 in royalties on his books.

The figures came in personal finance disclosure forms filed with the Federal Election Commission Friday night, the deadline for candidates to file this paperwork with the FEC. The timing, though, has led many to assume Clinton hoped to avoid media scrutiny by releasing the information after most reporters left for the weekend.

On Monday, Clinton will return to Iowa for events aimed at highlighting what she would do to help small businesses if elected president. As Clinton she ramps up her second presidential campaign, the former secretary of state has tried to introduce herself as a champion of the middle class and “everyday Americans,” but her wealth has repeatedly complicated that message.

The filings also revealed, for instance, that the former secretary of state made close to $12 million from 51 speeches, while the former president fetched a slightly higher value on the 53 speeches he gave, for a total of more than $13 million.



  1. Don't complain about Hillary's wealth. After all, she was dead broke when she left the White House, remember? And she's entitled to all that money and yours, too. After all, she's the Queen and if you don't believe me just ask her.

  2. She pulled herself and Bill from the bootstraps and made something of her life.

  3. That is a very scary picture of her , she looks like Bill Clintons twin sister rather than his wife.

  4. I wouldn't pay 5 cents to hear either of them apeak, because most of what they say are lies.

  5. Hillary for prison 2016!

  6. she is elegant looking forward to seeing her on the news each night for the next 8 years, right before omally takes over for 8 more


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