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Saturday, May 16, 2015

China’s Secret Space Weapons Targeting U.S. : “Soon Every Satellite Will Be at Risk”

Theoretically, space and the orbit around Earth is a peaceful place, and the world wants to keep it that way

But in practicality, it is the subtle front of modern warfare, where exotic weaponry and high tech gadgetry are used to operate systems on the ground, and assert dominance over the spheres of the planet. And tensions are running high.

The Pentagon has issued an alarming new report to Congress that identifies several secretive and publicly unknown projects under development in China that it perceives to a be an attempt to militarize space and undermine U.S. military and strategic interests.



  1. Better to be ruled by China than the Muslims , come and get us , can't wait , love that Chinese food.

  2. No dice.They depend on us way too much.Only those in high positions realize just how much they depend on the US.That dependency has been brilliantly designed into the system as a safeguard against aggression.


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