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Saturday, May 09, 2015

Budget hearing turns into rally

The proposed increase in the tax rate from its current 77 cents, however, is just the preliminary number that shows what the rate would have to be to cover all the $189.8 million in budget requests that have survived so far. It also assumes not drawing down again on what is known as the budget stabilization fund, a set aside account to be used when money cannot be obtained from other sources.

Of the approximately 300 people in attendance, more than 50 percent were associated with the public school system, many of them wearing color-coded T-shirts showing school affiliation. In addition, attendees wore stickers supporting the schools and a few waved signs.

Dozens availed themselves of the option to address the commissioners, but only a few addressed anything other than teacher salaries.


  1. it's true - I was totally outnumbered - who knew everybody wants MORE TAXES?

  2. "A few teachers at the meeting reported losses in the tens of thousands of dollars due to the missed steps."

    Better than to lose everything because of no job. People who get a guaranteed retirement income should be willing to forgo a raise in this economy. It is amazing how the BOE's everywhere can bring out the faithful to support the cause. Just like the NAACP.


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