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Thursday, May 14, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Death toll from Amtrak derailment rises to 8

The death toll has been raised to 8 in Tuesday's derailment of an Amtrak train in Philadelphia after a body was found at the crash site, authorities say.



  1. Strange that Amtrak has not yet admitted encouraging their engineers to run faster when they were behind schedule.Let me guess,if it wasn't in writing it doesn't count.Their jobs were threatened if they didn't get passengers to their destinations on time.

  2. 1:28 Come on now... he was going over 100mph in a 50 zone for the curve. And "He doesn't remember" it happening... falling asleep maybe? Drinking? Drugs?

    No... let's blame the company, and steal taxpayer money to add to an already corrupt system.


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