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Sunday, May 31, 2015

BLOODY BALTIMORE: Murders Up 100% Since Last Year

BLOODY BALTIMORE: Murders Up 100% Since Last Year – Arrests Down 50% in the 65% black city (with a black mayor, black...
Posted by White Girl Bleed A lot on Wednesday, May 27, 2015


  1. There you go...keep messing with the police, NOT SUPPORTING their work or authority!!! They are letting the neighborhood THUGS wipe one another out...GREAT MOVE!!! Let the folks keep putting SPD Officers down and you will be able to KEEP SHOWING Salisbury crime rate increases!!! It will be justified...Oh go research those crimes over the weekend in Chicago AND BALTIMORE, no white people involved!!!!! How is Sharpton going to make a living now?

  2. All this shows is absolutely nothing...

    Maybe now you racist people will get over yourself and think well, if there is all this poverty and all this shooting and stabbing and police activity in Baltimore or the rest of the nation, and is run by black people, then it can not be the white people holding you down, it is in fact the black people holding you down and this shows that in the end it does not matter what color you are, they want to hold us all down...

    Follow the money and you will find the rabbit hole...

    If you look, and I MEAN ACTUALLY LOOK at the pictures released by the media or by folks who are recording protest, look at the pics of the people who start trouble, notice anything? NOTICE how they all stand the same way, act the same and always cover their face and have on black colors of clothes and are always white people???? Have you noticed their boots??? DON'T the trouble makers boots always match that of the police, identical to the T???

    Seems to me, the govt is poking at you like a hungry hibernating bear...

  3. I also like who the guy said, "Why should they be sent to prison for doing their job"... they being the police...

    NOW THAT IS FUNNY, they break the law, they should got to jail END OF DAMN STORY... It is clear cops and everyone in that field think they are above the law and no wonder people are getting murdered by cops...

    1. They do get charged, convicted and sent to jail if they actually murder someone. The only time there's an issue made out of it, is if they were found not guilty, or there was MUCH more to the story and it was justified or unavoidable.

  4. All new elected officials are people of color..so things should begin to straighten out very soon.

    1. I hope you are being facetious, they are people of color and it is a train wreck.

    2. New elected officials? Are you stupid? It's been "black run" for decades. That's when it started decaying right into the toilet.

      Just like every other area whites leave. Look at Detroit.

  5. 4:53 Get a life and wake up to the fact that the riots and unrest in this Country is being caused by blacks. When was the last time you saw a white riot in America? White people are more intelligent then to burn down their own neighborhoods. Oh, that's right, that's because they worked to build it. So now, blacks in Baltimore are killing each other at random and the police have backed off because of ignorant leadership, and you still want to discredit the police. If black lives matter, why is there not outrage if it is each other with no involvement of the police? I am waiting for your answer.

  6. The BPD should have done this a long time ago. They are dealing with a sub culture that has never evolved into civilized human beings.
    Let them kill each other. They aren't good for anything. Only thing they excel at is committing crimes, making babies and sucking off the govt teat. The epitome of uselessness.
    The shame of it all is that a 9 yr old was shot. I bet the local NAACP hag doesn't even know the 9 yr old's name but she was real quick to offer up her uniformed opinion (a lie really) on the Balto City SA's FB.
    She's a very sick woman. Taking up for Gray who God only knows how many people he killed and how many lives he ruined by being a heroin seller. She's a very sick woman.
    Then you have this "pastor" who was holding up traffic yesterday "protesting" the youth prison. Said "pastor" has illegitimate bastards running around who he isn't in their life. This is how low the black community has sank. No morals no principles, no honesty just do whatever. I have zero tolerance and sympathy. Bottom line is you can't fix stupidity.

  7. The police backed off letting the animals govern themselves.

  8. I would like someone to name one country governed by blacks that's is self sufficient and prospering and where lawlessness is not the norm?
    Let's see Haiti? No
    Any African countries? No-the US and other countries have to send aid to all of them and lawlessness abounds all over Africa.

  9. And you thought the omalley gun ban was going to help! This is proof it is a failure.

  10. Stand back and let them all kill each other. Show up to take the report. Sooner or later they will exterminate themselves.

  11. Black people are no good for America! Over 150 years ago they knew this, that is why Lincoln planned to get rid of them.

  12. Black lives only matter to racist troublemakers who hate police and white people. Blacks and Muslims will never believe that their own culture are causing their own problems. Basically, black people and especially black politicians blame everyone else for their failures. Then throw in the liberal white Democrats who only seek reelection for supporting affirmative action and Government hand outs. "Houston, we have a problem". Our Country is in dire need for leadership and it is not coming from the top. Last week Obama said that the biggest threat to our security is global warming. "HELLO".

  13. Black lives do not matter. The sick SOB's in the NAACP and the rest of the sorry excuses for human beings aren't fooling anyone.
    Black lives ONLY matter when these evil wicked sinners can attach an agenda to the death. All these killings are just reaping what they have sown. God is FURIOUS with them and they are paying the price. The bloodbath will continue until the blacks wise up and get back to God. God has had enough of their foolishness and He's punishing accordingly. God has had it with their lying immoral ways.

    1. If it's "God's will" that they're killing each other off, is it a sin to try to stop them?

      Because that would be interfering with God's will.

  14. you slaves are being lied to and led by the nose and you have no clue. Disinformation, false flags, mega conspiracies etc. They are playing you like a fiddle and you fall for it every single damn time.

  15. hmmmm looks like Baltimore has become BODYMORE once again!!!!! It never changed people! The people haven't gotten better they have only gotten worse! Charm City my A**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. The number of BLACK child victims is up 500%. This fact is not inflaming passions at all. But thousands showed up to carry on about Gray a 25 year old criminal heroin dealer.
    There is no hope for blacks-none what so ever. You can pump billions upon billions into a community but when basic thing like a soul are missing there is no hope.
    Communities like these only work when the police are overseeing and deterring. The residents called it harassment. The police scaled back and gave the resident what they wanted and Baltimore has become a shooting gallery. A 7 year old had his brains blow out. The residents ought to be real proud of themselves. Ashanti too. She should be real proud of herself. She's drenched in the blood of that innocent child for making a incendiary comment on Mosby's Facebook. She said she's never seen a prosecutor with the guts to prosecute police or something along those lines. It was a damn lie. Police are prosecuted all the time but of course no one can expect a product of Affirmative Action to know any better.

  17. Yes a 7 year old little boy had his brains blown out. So very sad. But Mosby said they aren't thugs. They are misunderstood youth.
    There is absolutely NO hope for the black communities. The lying, the excuse making just comes too easily to these people. They aren't raised with any values.
    Mary Ashanti should be ashamed of herself. As usual she couldn't wait to insert her herself up into the foul rectum of the lies being told. She as well as the other race baiters/cop haters murdered this child and I hope to hell that they are proud of themselves.
    I also hope they know that God sees what is in their hearts and He's not pleased at all.

  18. Thinning of the herd. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn wake me when it starts please. I'll be your huckleberry. Aim small hit big

  19. So, let me see if I understand. You are ok with police killing people but get upset when other people kill other people. Is that what you are saying?


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