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Sunday, May 03, 2015



  1. Some of the kids they've shown on video throwing bricks look like they are literally 12 or 13 years old. Absolutely insane.

  2. So you have cops, throwing rocks at people and you want to damn the protester wither they threw something or not...

    IF the cops can trow things at protesters than the cops get what happens to them after that...

    these cops are lucky they have not been shot or shot at yet...

    1. Your lack of reading comprehension is deplorable. Or are you one of those who just reads the headline and spouts off without knowing what you're talking about?

      The rioters were throwing stones, among other things. Not the cops.

      The police saw they were mostly kids, and backed off. That said, I wish they'd loaded them all up and taken them to juvenile hall, then charged the "parents" when (and if) they came to fetch them.

  3. i just read that a "Senior Center" was burned to the ground. That's inexcusable. It's time to break out the tear gas and concussion grenades!

  4. A few rounds of buckshot would have turned this around!

  5. why aren't they firing back!!! quit backing up like cowards and let these kids have it!

  6. And the Mayor told the police to stand down.

  7. They tried to flash mob a 7-11 and within a matter of seconds ran back out. Bet clerk had a gun pointed at them.

  8. It scares the hell out of me to see the people who are our protectors of order be ordered to back down from a mob of thugs with rocks. It won't stop there-you can believe that. They now know they can get away with whatever they want. We are entering the first stage of anarchy brought to you by your very own government. They have been fanning the flames of division for decades and are now throwing LE to the wolves to accomplish their goal. It's gonna get nasty.

  9. Wonder if Wicomico County Sheriff's Office has riot gear?

    I was talking to my husband and the answer is no!!!

    They got tinted windows. They got that monster truck. If my husband is injured in a riot I will own Mike Lewis and Bob Culver. At least the F.O.P. did get them disability no one else was going to do it.

    1. Yup tax payers. We are going to pay for stupid cops like her husband whom aren't smart enough to say no! I'm not doing that! Thank your local FOP for the collective bargaining agreement that the last crooked council rigged up!

  10. THEY are NOT KIDS there young teen thugs.

  11. HOW will mayor liarton handle this when it happens here ? cower like a little B,,,H.

  12. It will be here this summer if not before. If I were the mayor of Salisbury ...I would be looking to resign now.

  13. What will we as citizens of Salisbury do if this happens here? Run and hide? Try to make peace? Pick up our arms and dispense vigilante justice? What say you Salisbury? The day could be near when we are confronted- remember the Christmas Parade?

  14. 1121 i say BRING IT.

  15. 11:21 you already know the answer to that question. Three dead in a year and no rights. No national news. People here will handle business. No color issue here just good people and bad people. Folks on the Shore would stack em like cord wood.

  16. 10:02 I find your post hard to believe. Sheriff Lewis is prepared for anything. Maybe they dont have riot gear because they will not stand a line they will make the line. Enough said.

  17. The rioters were throwing stones, among other things. Not the cops.

    The police saw they were mostly kids, and backed off. That said, I wish they'd loaded them all up and taken them to juvenile hall, then charged the "parents" when (and if) they came to fetch them.

    April 28, 2015 at 11:37 AM

    and the cops were throwing them back. open ur eyes

    1. Can't. They're glued shut with dry cop!


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