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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts responded to questions surrounding the police response

“Do you want people using force on 14, 15, 16-year-old kids that are out there? They’re old enough to know better. They’...
Posted by The Kelly File on Tuesday, April 28, 2015


  1. If they're breaking the law and committing acts of violence...? YES!!

  2. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the one building that wasn't looted was the welfare office.

  3. Remember the show "scared straight" ? They missed a great opportunity to put the iron hand on these fools, and possibly teach them a hard lesson. But one that may have helped to set them on the straight path; and become a meaningful, productive citizen.

    Instead, they are just worthless punk thugs.

  4. You have got to be FN kidding me!!!! This is his response?!! Seriously!? Then pull all of the resources he has gotten and let him deal with the "kids" himself!!!! This is exactly what is wrong with this state!! No accountability for the actions of "kids"!!!!

  5. Kids as young as 10 have been known to kill. Old enough to do the crime, old enough to do the time.

  6. 6:09... you think this stuff is bad?
    Let a few pictures of a thirteen year old kid lying in the street with gunshots to his face and torso. THEN, the real fun begins, across the country.
    The police know this and so do the government officials.
    THATS why they didn't open fire on them earlier.
    The problem is MUCH bigger than any kids burning buildings....

  7. BS.......they didn't open fire for 2 reasons. 1 - They were ordered to stand down. They were put in harms way and were effectively stripped of the right to defend themselves. 2 - they would rather take the chance of being seriously injured or killed than exercise the legal right to use deadly force in those situations only to be thrown under the bus by a pansy administration. Those who were throwing rocks were engaging in behavior that warranted the use of deadly force. Whats next? Should they stand down as these idiots fire weapons at them?

  8. Gangs start these kids at 10 years old. That way they have them for 8 years while they are minors to commit their crimes for them wothout punishment.

    The Mayor knows this, and shut down the transportation system that takes these kids home so none of them could "chicken out".

    She told the police to "stand down" on the minors.

    She grouped them and deployed them. The throwing rocks had been pre- delivered to the proper locations to pummel the police with.

    She announced publicly that the rioters needed to be let to do their damage. She also said no curfew until tomorrow, setting the tone for the group effort.

    This was a calculated, planned event, which makes me look back and think she also instructed that some police find one of their most worthless street pos' and really mess him up for "making eye contact" so she could generate a racial Black vs. cop situation/ riot to guarantee her federal funding grants.

    Every move in this past 2+ weeks has been a planned event to practice implementing marshal law without us peons being any the wiser.

    Well, Many fell for the deal, but now, more are the wiser ones.

    Keep watching, folks. We're going to have to start picking our battles, and calling BS on those dangling carrots.

    1. You're right Steve, FEMA region 3 is happening. Agenda 21 is going down! Lock and Load!!

  9. 9:11 PM

    lmao. you are a fiction writer right?

  10. police chief changed his tune today obama must have called him.

  11. Police Chief changes his name to Chief CRIPS per King Obama

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You're right Steve, FEMA region 3 is happening. Agenda 21 is going down! Lock and Load!!

    April 28, 2015 at 9:38 PM

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

  13. Water hoses, with ice cold water, on a chilly day would've sent them skittering.

  14. Something needed to be done. They were not just throwing pebbles at the police. They were throwing bricks. They could have easily killed someone. The police have ever right to protect their self from these idiots.


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