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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Rescinds Curfew

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has rescinded the citywide curfew that had been in place since Tuesday night.

Rawlings-Blake issued the following statement late this morning:

"Effective immediately, I have rescinded my order instituting a city-wide curfew. My goal has always been to not have the curfew in place a single day longer than was necessary.

My number one priority in instituting a curfew was to ensure the public peace, safety, health and welfare of Baltimore citizens. It was not an easy decision, but one I felt was necessary to help our city restore calm.

I want to thank the people of Baltimore for their patience during this difficult time as we continue to come together to heal and restore our City."


  1. Now this race baiter needs to be rescinded.

  2. You better do what Obama told you girlfriend....

    Hail KING Obama and free Cell phones!!!

  3. It will be interesting to see how many kill each other tonight.

  4. Baltimore needs a real mayor.

  5. Wait until the cops are found NOT GUILTY lock and load.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Baltimore needs a real mayor.

    May 3, 2015 at 6:16 PM

    Baltimore needs a white Republican Mayor and a white Republican city council. Black people need to wake up. Unfortunately we are the minority and most of us move out of cities like Baltimore leaving that black unemployed trash behind. They just love an opportunity to loot and steal. It's like they won the lottery and getting something without paying for it is like a dream come true for them.

  7. I want to comment but need to put my pointy hood on first to fit in.

  8. 7:55 Baltimore needs good, responsible, ethical, educated, intelligent leadership regardless of race. And constituents who recognize and value these qualities over ethnicity.

  9. She was accused od having an affair with Chief Batts the whole city is upside down. She is a horrible Mayor. Almost as bad as Liarton. Almost

  10. If it looks like crap and it smells like crap , the odds are that it is crap. Make a crap decision and you get crap back , thanks you mayor , you haven't surprised me at all , I expected nothing less from an idiot.

  11. Anonymous said...
    7:55 Baltimore needs good, responsible, ethical, educated, intelligent leadership regardless of race. And constituents who recognize and value these qualities over ethnicity.

    May 4, 2015 at 12:26 AM

    That is correct. That is why that person mentioned Republicans like Larry Hogan.

    Sad, you are just to stupid to vote aren't you.

  12. Anonymous said...
    She was accused od having an affair with Chief Batts the whole city is upside down. She is a horrible Mayor. Almost as bad as Liarton. Almost

    May 4, 2015 at 3:44 AM

    Why do you think she appointed him and why do you think he caved in to her stand down, let them destroy orders.

    I have a picture of her playing with her Cootchie that is floating around FB. She is a real winner.

  13. I doubt Commissioner Batts would touch that with a 10 ft pool.

  14. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMay 4, 2015 at 9:06 AM

    Stephanie Rawlings-Blake quote "My number 1 priority was to ensure the public safety, health and welfare of Baltimore citizens ..." Blah Blah Blah, Really? Let's ask those employees at CVS PHARMACY,. Let's ask those who LOST THEIR HOMES IN FIRES, Shall we?! Charge this woman with inciting the riots and send her the bill to pay, including 144 vehicles that got burned, CVS Pharmacy and many many more.

  15. 7:46
    We can only hope they drag this out until winter. There seems to be more riots when it is warm out.


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