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Friday, May 01, 2015

Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned To Accept Martial Law In America?

Have you noticed that we are starting to be bombarded with images of troops in the streets? Have you noticed that the term “martial law” is coming up a lot in movies, news broadcasts and even in television commercials? In recent years, it seems like the solution to almost every major crisis involves bringing in troops. In fact, it has already gotten to the point where when something really bad happens a lot of Americans immediately cry out for troops to be brought in. And we are seeing the same patterns over and over again. Just remember what happened in Ferguson – protesters were whipped up to a frenzy, when the riots began the police were ordered to stand down and not intervene, and finally National Guard troops were brought in as the “solution” to a crisis that had escalated wildly out of control. This is the exact same pattern that we are witnessing in Baltimore, and as you will see below, National Guard troops all over the nation have been training for this exact type of scenario. A couple of decades ago, many Americans would have regarded the notion of “martial law in America” as absolutely unthinkable, but these days the threat of civil unrest is causing an increasing number of Americans to embrace the idea of troops patrolling our city streets.

The anger toward the police that we see in the city of Baltimore is very real, but there also seem to be a lot of signs that the events of the past several days have been orchestrated and manipulated. This is something that I covered in my previous article entitled “12 Unanswered Questions About The Baltimore Riots That They Don’t Want Us To Ask“. But what we have found out since then is that high school kids appear to have been “herded” by the police into the Mondawmin neighborhood in Baltimore when school was let out on Monday

When school let out that afternoon, police were in the area equipped with full riot gear. According to eyewitnesses in the Mondawmin neighborhood, the police were stopping busses and forcing riders, including many students who were trying to get home, to disembark. Cops shut down the local subway stop. They also blockaded roads near the Mondawmin Mall and Frederick Douglass High School, which is across the street from the mall, and essentially corralled young people in the area. That is, they did not allow the after-school crowd to disperse.



  1. We absolutely are being conditioned. Convenient how this all takes place while one of the biggest criminals out there gets the attention diverted away from her. Hillarys campaign is way more important than some riots in Baltimore, and they have to save it at all cost. Redirecting the publics attention is working quite well too.
    This is a massive effort to control guns, schools, neighborhoods, and the list goes on. I firmly believe that a "one world order" is being implemented one day at a time. I firmly believe that a unified federal police force is in the making, something very similar to the National Guard, but it will be called the National Police. This would be in addition to the existing military.
    As far as Jade Helm goes, if you believe that only 1200 personnel will be involved YOURE NUTS !!! More like 12,000 probably.

    Wake up people.

  2. I know this sounds crazy but I believe that President Obama's friends will instigate a situation that will cause him to issue Martia Law before tbe 2016 election. The election can then be suspended and he remains President.

  3. Hell yes? The TV show cops have done the same thing with our rights!

  4. The Feds have been positioning equipment and encumbering our police departments with agreements for years. Vehicles, guns, Stingrays, Fusion Centers, grants, etc. The goal is to create a paramilitary force and take control over them. Play with the Feds, or get cut off from the money and equipment that you're used to getting. This was described in Obama's own words - a domestic force as strong as our own military.

    It's one reason why our community should not take surplus military equipment, EVER. We really don't need that stuff. Our police mostly generate revenue and take crime reports for insurance claims. Sometimes they investigate crimes or create a presence to avoid big problems (like this week downtown). And if we did need that kind of stuff, there's a Maryland National Guard armory right in town. A call to the Governor, and it's going to get mobilized.

    Then you get awkward situations like the Sheriff's Department MRAP. I'm 100% confident Mike Lewis isn't going to be co-opted. But what about the person who replaces him? Will they be so principled? Better to stay 2 steps from disaster, I say.

  5. The south was under it for 20 years!

  6. Any student of ACTUAL history will tell you that this is just what HITLER DID..


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