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Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Bill allows any lawful adult 18 or over in the state to have a loaded firearm in their personal vehicle, home or business without a handgun permit

A Senate proposal to allow those without a concealed carry permit to keep a loaded firearm in their vehicle is advancing to the Alabama House.

The measure, which passed in an easy 24-4 vote Thursday, will repeal the current prohibition on keeping a ready firearm for self-defense in personal vehicles in the Dixie State and, according to its author, is a long-time coming.

“All the states that touch the borders of Alabama do not require a pistol permit to carry in their vehicles,” said Sen. Gerald Allen, R, the bill’s sponsor in a statement. “A vehicle is extension of your home and you should have the right to defend yourself in your vehicle without having to buy a pistol permit.”

Allen’s legislation, SB 14, would allow any lawful adult 18 or over in the state to have a loaded firearm in their personal vehicle, home or business without a handgun permit. Under current state law, doing so without a license granted by a local sheriff in the state can constitute disorderly conduct, even if the possessor has committed no other crime.



  1. Now, we return you to the Communist, liberal, pansy, State of Maryland, where if you protect yourself with a gun, you will be a criminal.

  2. Need this here.
    The police are gutless and unable to protect decent citizens.

  3. 9:35 The police here are not gutless. They can't be everywhere all the time. The police in Baltimore are not either. In Baltimore it's the politicians who are gutless to uphold the law because they are afraid to loose votes, and they are racists.

  4. Gotta love Alabama!! State of Common Sense ! I think I'm going to relocate there. They also passed laws forbidding local and state govts. from following United Nations dictates ( such as Agenda 21).
    Alabaman's will keep their freedoms ! Thanks anyway federal & global govts.! Get off my Lawn!!

  5. 9:56 I don't seethe politicians out here shooting and tasing people for money... I don't see the politicians out here calling 10 buddies in to help beat a guys ass who is handcuffed... I don't see politicians who rather harass local law abiding citizens vs catching real criminals...

    Do you see a pattern here? if not then you are STUPID and well we all know you can't fix STUPID...

  6. 10:15 I am a law abiding citizen and have never been harassed and tased by the police.

    Then approve concealed carry and open carry for ALL CITIZENS without criminal histories.
    Its the POLICE who are denying us our RIGHTS as proscribed by the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The police, who couldn't hit the living room wall while sitting on their sofa, want to tell "we, the people" about guns???? LOL!
    Thank God I never thought I needed a politician's permission or some cop to tell me he's smarter than Thomas Jefferson and I'll need his okay to be a free man.
    Carry and be ready to use any gun you like. Against ALL criminals, official and otherwise.
    Honest, hardworking taxpaying American citizens have NEVER needed or wanted someone's PERMISSION to exercise the rights that GOD gave us --- not some self important goose stepping politician or cop who thinks they know what's best for the serfs and slaves.
    Want to cheer? Cheer freedom and 30 round mags.

  8. 11:38 You are missing the point. I agree with carry rights, permit or not. However it is not the police who are denying our carry rights, its the liberal Democratic politicians. I know many retired and active police folks and they agree that you should have an option to carry and protect yourself, your family, or your friends.

  9. Wait a minute there 11:38AM,
    I'm as big a critic as any and probably even a bigger one of the liberal degenerate Democrats but, let's not forget that our boy Larry, our GOP gov, has flatly said he's quite comfortable with MD's current gun laws. So, it's not just the POS Dems it's also a faction of the POS Republicans, too.

  10. 11:38AM,
    My bad.., the above was pointed at 12:25PM.
    Sorry lmclain.

  11. 12:25.....Is it true or not that a State Police officer is the final word on who gets a carry permit?
    They COULD allow all citizens without a criminal record to carry, but getting a carry permit in Maryland is about as easy as climbing Mt Everest in a windbreaker and tennis shoes.
    So yeah, it IS the police.
    And I also told all of you "Hogan is the greatest!!" cheerleaders that he would NOT change the gun laws. He is fully aware of the feelings of the MAJORITY (amply demonstrated), but what does that mean to any politician?
    I'll say it again (its worth repetition) --- "we, the people" don't need ANYONE'S permission to exercise the rights given to us by.......GOD.
    Just keep cheering.

  12. Ok idiot. Read the law. The carry permit may be approved or disapproved by the State Police. But, the law states that the reason for you to carry is not accepted for the reason of PERSONAL PROTECTION!. This issue has been in and out of the courts for years.

  13. Lol. Idiot?
    You just made my point and admitted I was correct. Thanks.
    Maybe you missed the "shall not be infringed" part.
    So have the people who took an oath to UPHOLD and DEFEND the Constitution. The STATE POLICE regularly reject permits for people who carry large amounts of money and work in high risk areas. "Shall not be infringed"?? No one ever gets robbed, raped, beaten, or killed because the State Police are RIGHT THERE, kicking ace for the poor hapless citizen, huh? The ONLY time they are RIGHT THERE is when THEY are the ones doing the beating and killing.
    You HAVE at least, HEARD of the Constitution, haven't you?
    Go polish your swastika. There's going to be a torchlight rampage tonight and I'm sure they're expecting your presence, Heinrich.
    Man up, boy. Sign your name if you want to play with the men.


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