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Friday, May 01, 2015

A Viewer Writes...

This is in reference to your 04/29/15 post about the Blue Fire Hydrant Markers. Paint has got to be cheaper than the markers and we could paint Ireton's picture on it so that the dog's would know where to pee!


  1. I dont believe I would let my dog pee on Ireton if she was on fire.

  2. Was in ocean city yesterday standing outside the cork bar smoking a cigarette when I happen to look down in the street and low and behold what did I see? A blue fire hydrant marker in the middle of the road. I could see the use for it in ocean city with so many cars parked on the sides of the roads.

  3. answer honestly....what did you do with the cig.butte

  4. Actually the reflective paint is much more expensive.


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