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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Veteran Returns Flagpole To Front Yard

An East Tennessee veteran who was forced by her homeowners association to take down her flag is once again flying the stars and stripes.

"It felt like there was an empty place," said Delia Foster, "Not only in my yard, but in my heart."

Nine weeks ago, Foster took down the American flag and pole in her yard.

"It just seemed empty," said Foster, "Like I was going to pass by my house accidentally because I was so used to seeing it there lit up."

Her neighborhood home owner's associated asked her to take it down because of a rule that says structures require permission, including flagpoles.

It was a tough goodbye, but the 24-year Air Force veteran wasn't defeated. Saturday, the flag and pole were back in place.

"I am also a person who fight for what I think is right, I will do research, get to the bottom of things," said Foster

Foster found out the HOA follows county codes, and through confirmation at the Mayor's office she discovered the county does not define the flagpole as a structure. Further investigation of her HOA's current covenant, and she learned they never voted to specifically ban flagpoles. The discoveries meant the return of her flag.

More here
RELATED:Community supports veteran forced to take down flag pole


  1. HOA is a joke! Your stupid if you move into a development with one. Its your property. You laid for it. Why move anywhere a group of people dictate what you can or cannot do?

    1. 3:56 Because who wants to live next door to some idiot with a confederate flag. Some people need rules

    2. You're brain is in bad need of repair 3:56. Confederate flag not a problem but people like you are. Fly the red white and blue all the time it's my right.

    3. Who are you talking to? 356 said nothing of confederate flags. And what if you wanted your house a certain color? And the association said no. Its your house right?

  2. And they wonder why Strawberry Village does not get many people there...

    You buy a HOME and you cannot use GAS Heat or GAS stove, nor can have a fence put up to keep the rift raft out

    or your keep the Nosey Neighbor from watching you get dressed with a fence ..... you cannot wash the car...GEZZZZZZ

    HOA in some areas really stink!!!

  3. nope. im all for freedoms, but if you move into a place with rules, you follow their rules. if not, you have every right to move away.


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