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Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Daily Times & Phil Davis Spanked By The State

The Open Meetings Compliance Board found County Executive Bob Culver did NOT violate the Open Meetings Act. The LIBERAL Newspaper tried once again to go on the attack and has once again come out looking like a FOOL. Between the Daily Times, Greg Bassett and Mike Dunn, do you think they'll formally apologize for their foolishness? 


  1. They are grasping at straws and it is very amusing. They need to sit down, shut up and suck up the fact that a GOP wave swept the state.

  2. Same thing happened down in Somerset County no violations

  3. Apologies all around please.

    Fire wayne s now.

  4. So if I interpret the legalese correctly, Culver does not come under the Act, period. The Council on the other hand, might have violated the act if they had at least 4 members touring the school together.
    Maybe they better sit down and shut up before they hurt themselves.

  5. 8:01AM Absolutely right-on.

  6. Another Daily Times comedy of errors. Why don't they just report news and not try to slant the news against any Republican?

  7. joe, why don't you publish the tax breaks the daily times gets from the city/county? Maybe that's why they do the libs work for them. Remove the tax breaks and see how their reporting goes then. What a joke the paper is and the people who work there!

  8. No apologies will be forthcoming. The complainants could have read the Open Meetings Act themselves and come to the same conclusion, and perhaps did, but their purpose was to sell newspapers and, for one of their lot, just to continue to be a general pain in the behind and a loud, empty voice.

  9. Wow...their fate is sealed. The Daily Times is dying a slow, painful death. They are doing the death rattle now. I got a mail offer for a $20.00 gift card to sign up for the Daily Times full week delivery. Yeah - right! Like I'm gonna read that rag! No wonder half the staff is collecting unemployment. Those remaining are trying desperately to keep that thing alive. They are selling on-line subscriptions when they should be offering subscriptions for free, tracking the traffic volume, and selling advertising at a huge discount while dissolving the hard copy version and investing that money into people to go out and find real newsworthy items to put on-line in real-time. The finished product would resemble - Sbynews. LMAO!!!! THAT'S why they try to continue to discredit Sbynews. If they would be able to destroy Sbynews it would create an information vacuum that they believe they would be able to slide right in and fill. But it's not happening because they pander to politicians and hide the truth. Everyday people want the truth - regardless of who looks bad. Sbynews more often than not reports the news. As they continue to evolve, they leave out opinion and report facts. Sbynews still has a long way to go in that area but is moving more toward it everyday. Sbynews is really the only game in town.

  10. is it true Greg Bassett's ex-wife now works for the DT?

  11. The DT should offer not only an apology, but should be made to pay for the cost to the taxpayers for this investigation.

    They are losers and need to go away. NO CREDIBILITY AT ALL.

  12. People don't be ignorant. What news agency has credibility. Many would like you to think they do. Don't believe everything you read or hear. Most are opinions.

  13. If they apologize all leverage is lost.Ignoramuses can be quite beneficial if allowed to run amuck.Everyone BUT them can see what's going on.Why wake them from their nap?

  14. Someone ought to sue the ass off of The Daily Times. That paper has been fraught with innuendos - and it really a public disgrace.

    And former CEO - Greg Bassett's latest endeavor - The Independent - is no better. Both of these papers I consider to be Tabloid.


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