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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Steve King: Baltimore Leaders 'Handed Parts of That City Over to the Mob'

The shocking violence that has rocked Baltimore is something normally seen in foreign countries, not the United States, Rep. Steve King says.

And the Iowa Republican believes the city made a bad call by apparently telling cops not to go after the rioters who looted stores, set fire to cars and injured dozens of civilians and police officers.

"It looked to me that the cops had orders that said you're not going to engage them and if they come at you, you have to back up," King said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"To think that ranks of officers with riot gear had to retreat from a mob and they couldn't go in there and arrest or didn't go and arrest … you have to win that battle.

"They backed up, retreated and handed parts of that city over to the mob, to the rioters, and that's the kind of thing you see happen in foreign countries, not in the United States of America."

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1 comment:

  1. One death that could be blamed on police could be the spark in the powder keg. Maybe better to let the hotheads do their relatively small thing with city and private insurance to pay it off than to risk creating a martyr or two.


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