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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Riots in Baltimore Raise Questions About Police Response

National Guard troops fanned out through the city, shield-bearing police officers blocked the streets and firefighters doused still-simmering blazes early Tuesday as a growing area of Baltimore shuddered from riots following the funeral of a black man who died in police custody.

The violence that started in West Baltimore on Monday afternoon — within a mile of where Freddie Gray was arrested and placed into a police van earlier this month — had by midnight spread to East Baltimore and neighborhoods close to downtown and near the baseball stadium.

It was one of the most volatile outbreaks of violence prompted by a police-involved death since the days of protests that followed the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man who was shot and killed during a confrontation with a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, last summer.

At least 15 officers were hurt, including six who remained hospitalized late Monday, police said. Two dozen people were arrested.



  1. as usual, irresponsible reporting - how do they know the injury was sustained while "in custody" and not before? and why is the fact that Michael Brown's fingerprints were on the officer's gun make him "unarmed"?

  2. Maybe the police are fed up with all the restrictions and liability and lack of support from the City of Baltimore and a mayor who seems to be prejudice against both the police and white people in general. Maybe they decided to just let them have the run of the concrete jungle. As a former Police officer, I wouldn't blame them. I know that if you are sued for any reason, the department will not back you. Only the FOP can be counted on and your fellow officers.

  3. If the police would just start shooting things will quiet down, There is no reasoning with ignorant people.

  4. but wait what about all those police who say wait until we need their help? Where was their help for those who were attacked and or looted?
    Good thing we cower and wait for them!
    lmao what a joke!
    They caused this and now they will have to suffer the consequences.

  5. Agreed 11:37 AM

    When you need cops they are never around, but don't be a black guy in a traffic stop, you will have 5 to 10 cops come for a tail light out...

    If cops would protect the citizens like they protect each other, things would be different...

  6. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    but wait what about all those police who say wait until we need their help? Where was their help for those who were attacked and or looted?
    Good thing we cower and wait for them!
    lmao what a joke!
    They caused this and now they will have to suffer the consequences.

    April 28, 2015 at 11:37 AM"

    This is a foolish statement. The cops aren't suffering. They get to go home to their abodes in the suburbs. It's the ghetto dwellers who will suffer more because they haven't the sense to not crap in their own nests.
    Out of one side of their mouths they scream the ghetto has no resources like stores, jobs etc. They get a store like CVS and Target (In the Mondawmin Mall) (both of who I heard had to be talked into to even come to the area) and they destroy them. Now the ghetto dwellers are crying-Oh well. You can't have it both ways. Just like with the cops. They say they don't want the cops around to even prevent the crimes from happening but then say where were the cops. They merely got a taste of what they complain about and now they can deal with it.

  7. 12:14 nice false statement.

  8. 12:25 you got it wrong, the cops went to far, you just can't abuse the public for chicken shit stuff and then expect them not to react. Yeah they are stupid burning down their own neighborhood but then they never were that bright. However at least we know where the kops are and that they are not harassing our family members! kinda like when the mob fights, just let em have at each other and stay outta the way! this has been a long time coming and it's gonna be an interesting hot summer!

  9. You cop haters need to go to Baltimore and protest lol. We all know the answer to that dont we tough guys lol

    I forget puss do not have feet.

  10. 2:06 spoken like a true servant of the public! whatcha gonna do when they come for you? and I don't mean your brothers in blue! lol!

  11. 2:06 without your badge gun vest and shield you would be running home to mommy peeing in your pants tough guy!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You cop haters need to go to Baltimore and protest lol. We all know the answer to that dont we tough guys lol

    I forget puss do not have feet.

    April 28, 2015 at 2:06 PM

    I see this moron is alive and well. why aren't you standing in line in balt?


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