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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Protests Have Started In Princess Anne

We just received word that UMES has been closed off and protests have started in Princess Anne. There is a strong police presence.


  1. They've blocked off Rt. 13 so working people who are trying to make a living are prevented from doing their jobs. F them.

  2. Makes sense. They're ALL from Baltimore anyway. Getting a free education.

  3. Umes has always been little Baltimore.

  4. I wish the police would close off the Bay Bridge and the alternate route through Elkton. Especially bus loads of blacks. Sure it's "discrimination" but my right not to be attacked or harassed is greater than the imagined "right" they have to attack and harass me.

  5. I was just told they have blocked off 13 in both directions at the elementary school and the Sheriff has requested assistance from Wicomico.

  6. I say let the police leave for about 30 min and let the citizens take care of the "protesters".

    1. ^^ I wish we had a "like" button on here.

  7. @ 3;09 Do you really thing citizen could take care of the protesters...Seriously Please stop the Bs.

  8. The ignorance of some people posting is very sad. Students at UMES arent just from the Eastern Shore. They come from all 50 States and various countries. Majority of the student body from MD comes from Baltimore, PG County, and DC. Students may had family and friends in Baltimore and couldnt make it and wanted to show support. Im proud of UMES and keep up the good work!!!


  9. 4:11 you are part of the problem. You are condoning breaking the law.

  10. It doesn't matter where they're from...if your throwing bottles at passing vehicles, breaking laws, you have NO respect for the community. Hope they arrest those that do not know how to behave. There is a difference between protesting and vandalizing/rioting. There's nothing to be proud of when UMES students behave like thugs and hurt innocent people. Hope the community rises up and puts the idiots causing mayhem in there place!

    From A Proud Taxpayer/ Law abiding citizen from Maryland!

  11. 4:11 .... So you are telling me you subscribe to theory that two wrongs make a right? Tell me what is the point of the protest? Yes, B'More PD messed up big time, but they have also admitted to that and are in the process of correcting the problems. Or at least they were until all the BS riots started. MLK is rolling in his grave!!!! This is NOT what he wanted! He was a PEACEFUL protester NOT violent! I hope MSP/Princess Anne PD or Somerset SO arrested the idiots that were throwing bottles! But I'm sure if they did it would be seen as harassment of course!

  12. You are condoning breaking the law.

    April 28, 2015 at 4:21 PM

    you mean like the courts and other people who let kops walk after murdering someone?

  13. Politarian state:its coming.....remember the death camps and thousands of coffins fema stocked up on its all bout be put too use.


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