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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Poll: More Aggressive Deportations, No Welfare, Citizenship For Kids of Illegals

Despite President Obama's efforts to cool the nation's views on illegal immigrants storming over the U.S.-Mexico border, Americans have reached a new level of anger over the issue, with most demanding a more aggressive deportation policy — and reversal of a law that grants citizenship to kids of illegals born in the U.S.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday also finds Americans questioning spending tax dollars on government aid provided to illegal immigrants. A huge 83 percent said that anybody should be required to prove that they are "legally allowed" to be in the country before receiving local, state or federal government services.

Overall, the poll is bad news for the White House because it shows sustained, and in some cases, elevated anger and frustration over the surge in illegal immigrants in the United States.

When asked if the baby of an illegal born in the United States should automatically become a U.S. citizen, as is now the law, 54 percent said no.

More here


  1. Ever since I was a child I thought that the policy of, being born her makes you a citizen, was incredibly stupid. What was to stop wide spread abuse? It seems that many problems could be solved using 5th grade morality and sensibility.

  2. Anonymous said...
    Ever since I was a child I thought that the policy of, being born her makes you a citizen, was incredibly stupid. What was to stop wide spread abuse? It seems that many problems could be solved using 5th grade morality and sensibility.

    April 9, 2015 at 9:53 AM

    We've always had liberal policy makers.

    Look what is going on in many states now. They are being overloaded with Mexican's and Muslims and they are getting elected to our school boards, town and county councils, state and Federal elected positions. Unless we close our borders quick we will lose our country, our way of life and our Constitution.

  3. 10:24...Our country is in a hole and it's getting deeper, our way of life-gone, and the constitution is nothing more than paper. If you haven't come to this conclusion by now, you haven't been following the headlines and our chaotic society.


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