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Friday, April 17, 2015

Obama's illegal coal regulations must be stopped

In June of last year, the Obama Administration's EPA launched an aggressive assault against states' rightful powers by proposing federal carbon regulations that require states to reduce carbon dioxide emission by a staggering 30 percent in just 15 years. Since announcing the proposed regulation, the Administration's EPA has employed unprecedented, threatening tactics designed to bully states into compliance, irrespective of the feasibility or legality of its proposal. States that don't comply face the potential of losing regulatory control on energy matters to the federal government.

On April 16, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will hear arguments on two separate but related lawsuits filed by numerous states and energy companies in the wake of last June's proposed rule. The lawsuits contend that the rule and EPA's compliance threats are illegal.

This case is vitally important to the nation. If the EPA's proposed rule is permitted to go forward, it will cause great harm to the states and their citizens. The agency's threats to finalize the plan this summer already have had a dampening effect on states, the energy industry, and its employees.



  1. People wake up and that includes DUMMOCRATS your electric is going up X 3 thanks to Oscama.

  2. Abolish the EPA. They started out as a help toward less pollution and clean energy. Now, it's just another overbearing money machine.

    Like so many, it needs to go.

  3. A state is sovereign and can nullify any federal action by the tenth amendment the same way some states legalized marihuana. Just need state law makers with some kahunas to tell gay Barry and mooselimb Holder to go pound sand.


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