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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Non-Citizens Registered To Vote Through Motor Voter Registration Forms

Local and state government officials are registering non-U.S. citizens as valid voters — even when the non-citizens say they are not Americans on their voter registration forms, a former Justice Department attorney tells The Daily Caller.

J. Christian Adams, a former United States Department of Justice official in the Civil Rights Division will show the Supreme Court in a brief later this month that non-citizens are registering to vote through the government’s motor voter program. The motor voter act became law during the Clinton administration as an easier way to register voters through their local Department of Motor Vehicles offices, but Adams says the program is failing to weed out those who are not American citizens.

“The bigger problem is that when they get those drivers licenses, there’s a government social services agency that is compelled under motor voter to offer voter registration,” Adams says. “For example, I’m representing a client — the American Civil Rights Union. We’re about to file a brief to the Supreme Court that shows actual voter registrations of people who marked on their voter registration forms that they’re not citizens, but they’re still getting registered to vote.”



  1. This is going to ruin elections in this country. In places that allow the illegal aliens a drivers license it will also allow them the right to vote. This is F*d Up!!

  2. And this was the Democratic plan from the beginning...

  3. Soros had a project a number of years back to ensure all Secretaries of State in the various states were liberals-- they would be the ones that would oversee the voting.
    He was pretty successful in that venture.

    We need to undo that damage, pronto. And we need to support True The Vote as they clean up the voter rolls in the various states.

  4. Its coming from within our own borders...Keep em seperated confuse divide instill fear ..Voter ID Now...nation wide..this is disgusting..or keep cheering

  5. Lock 'em all up. Outside the U.S.


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