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Thursday, April 09, 2015

NLRB Educating 'Foreign Workers' on Union Rights

WASHINGTON – Congressional investigators say they’ve uncovered another attempt by the Obama administration to aid illegal immigrants in the U.S. – this time, by teaching foreign workers lessons on union organizing.

The National Labor Relations Board has entered into agreements with Mexico, Ecuador and the Philippines to teach workers from those countries in the United States their rights when it comes to union activity.

The agreements reportedly don’t distinguish between illegal and legal immigrants. But lawmakers are worried it’s part of an effort to shield illegal immigrants specifically, by encouraging them to join a union and get protection.

NLRB spokeswoman Jessica Kahanek explained to Fox News that under the National Labor Relations Act, “employees, whether documented or undocumented, are protected from retaliation due to union or other protected concerted activity."

That means employers could be charged for dismissing an illegal immigrant worker – if the firing is determined to be tied to the worker’s union activity

More here


  1. This is outrageous! The progressives are importing democratic voters, legal or otherwise. They will stop at nothing to secure a stranglehold on the executive office with no regard to whom is harmed in the process.
    The Republicans wusses in Congress are so concerned with their own reelection, they won't do anything to stop it.

  2. Illegal aliens are bad news for American employees. Unions are nothing more than associations of the employees themselves so why aren't unions fighting to save American jobs for American workers?

    I am a proud Union member, and I don't personally know any other Union member who supports illegal immigration. We need to remind our union leaders, loud and clear, that they are representing us, the American workers, and our jobs. There are so few jobs as it is, and with illegals artificially bloating the labor pool, it will be more difficult to earn livable wages, and weakens the unions' bargaining power.

  3. Neither Obama's crew nor the union bosses give a flip about you, 9:20.

    This is about finding a back-door way to do the 'amnesty' while pumping new membership dues into the union coffers to keep them afloat (and keep those union bosses in steaks and lobster).

    Pedro will gladly pay his dues to get covered by rules that let him stay.


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