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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Mayor Ireton's Neighborhood Almost Exploded Today

After one of Jim Ireton's neighbors lost their home to foreclosure, sources say the former owners of the home became squatters and turned the gas on and almost blew up the neighborhood. 

Neighbors were outside when the detected the overwhelming odor of gas and called 911 immediately. Fortunately no one was hurt. 


  1. Well the idiot mayor is full of gas.

  2. Dammit, someone should have dropped a match!

  3. It's a crying shame the Mayor of Salisbury is more concerned with other things than the people that could have lost their lives. I live in this neighborhood. I'm not one who votes ,but I promise you this... I'm going to register I WANT HIM OUT OF OFFICE!!!! the mayor seems to think that loud noise and drinking on your own property is more important. Hell he thinks that taping kids fighting with parents watching and incurring the fighting is basically the problem of the board of education even though the fights did not occur on school property. We must get him out!!!!


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