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Monday, April 20, 2015

Liberty Brothers Radio at Sugar Pine Mine in Oregon: Oath Keepers Welcome

Some un-American Americans just don’t get it.

OMG! they shriek — these miners would dare oppose federal authority– OMG!

Contrary to the intent of this nation’s founders, some people advocate blindly following whatever statute the force of government declares to be “the law”. Some people do not see any value in questioning authority. Right here in America, to this day, exist some people who think the government did nothing wrong when it burned to death over eighty men, women, and children at Waco, Texas over an illegal “law” regarding guns. The idiotic zealots of the ATF and FBI and elements of the U.S. military totally failed to read the Second Amendment of the highest law of the land, which clearly notes that any law about guns proffered since the Second Amendment was ratified is an “infringement” of the very law they swore an Oath to protect and defend. Did I make myself clear? Let me repeat — the Constitution forbids any restrictions about any arms We The People can bear. It does not make exceptions regarding how many bullets-per-minute a gun can fire, or how long or short a gun barrel must or must not be. It simply says, “…shall not be infringed.” Yet the ATF had a problem with the Constitution and murdered more than eighty church members in a fiery death with rampant gruesome cruelty. They even shot those who tried to run out of the burning church to escape the fire.

So the ATF and FBI revealed why unchecked government “authority” was prohibited by our Constitution’s authors and the several States which ratified it. And yet some Americans to this day insist that We The People are not to question authority.

Even now there is an Internet chorus of lame-brained quasi-Americans who are spreading lies about the Oath Keepers who are standing to protect property rights for some miners in Oregon. I will not link those here because they don’t deserve the clicks, but I can tell you that some of the rumors are very nasty, and some even wish death upon the Oath Keepers who are helping protect lawful property rights from an insane government mechanism called the “BLM”. They are pumping outright lies and vicious rumors onto the Internet, and have the gall to accuse Oath Keepers of violating “the law” by standing up for the miners’ property rights and for the right to due process.



  1. The mine owner has asked these morons to leave.

  2. 11:19 AM you are the moron who doesn't understand liberty. Oathkeepers kept BLM in check at the Bundy Ranch. I guess you like government thugs pointing rifles at you for unconstitutional laws they hide behind?

  3. the owner knows that the BLM is the least of his worries.
    Now, he'll have the IRS, Homeland Security, the FBI, and the police at every level, trying to teach him a "lesson" about a citizen's place on the food chain.
    Which is below that of even the lowliest clerk in the most obscure government office.

  4. It's right around the corner. Stock up on ammo.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's right around the corner. Stock up on ammo.

    April 20, 2015 at 2:36 PM

    I plan to take it off their bodies.

  6. Bring it, you will lose.


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