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Monday, April 06, 2015

Kansas welfare recipients just got some VERY bad news

Our bloated welfare system–which consists of many individuals who are fully capable of working, but lack any notion of personal responsibility and ambition–is a total drain on our economy.

Many states are looking for ways to crack down on fraud as a means of reducing the burden on tax payers caused by entitlement programs, employing measures like mandatory drug testing, requiring a certain number of hours of work per week, and banning junk food from being purchased with food stamps.

Folks on welfare in Kansas are about to have their easy, breezy life of luxury at tax payer expense rudely interrupted by a new bill to be signed into law by Gov. Sam Brownback. The new law will limit welfare recipients to $25 a day in benefits.

I get the feeling a lot of freeloaders are going to be insanely angry over this.



  1. All junk food needs to be Banned.and no more $$$$$$ After 2 kids .

  2. 39 million African American in the usa ,
    12,200,000. Have no job as of today.

  3. It can't be a coincidence that Kansas also just made legal concealed carry without a permit.

  4. $175 a week for groceries. I'll take it.

  5. They also need to check for alcohol and tobacco use as disqualifiers.

    Got 22" rims on the Jag? Disqualifier (starting with the Jag)!

    EBT doesn't buy steak, Lobster, and Crab any more...only chicken, pork, and fruits/veggies!

    EBT needs to be approved at each cash register by a supervisor - then you'll start hearing "supervisor to register three for food stamp approval"! EBT needs to be accepted at less than half of the registers - I'm sick of watching full of junk food grocery carts - divided up because one card pays for this part and another card pays for that part...then they load it in to the baby-daddy's escalade!

    Meanwhile, this is a start!

  6. They use to work for it until obama came in to take care of his peeps.

  7. I always thought when they slide their EBT card thru the cc machine, it should scream "THANK YOU to those who work, so I don't have to".
    That alone would curb the use.


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