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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jesse Jackson Calls Baltimore Police an 'Occupying Force': Mediaite

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Tuesday that police in Baltimore — where rioting erupted on Monday in the latest U.S. flashpoint over race and policing — behave like an "occupying force" toward residents because they are not required to live in the city where they work, Mediaite reports.

Many Baltimore police officers live in the suburbs, and some as far away as Pennsylvania, Jackson told Amy Goodman of the syndicated public television news show, "Democracy Now!"
"So they come in as an occupying force, not as neighbors," he said.

Jackson said that Baltimore should have a residency requirement for its police officers, because without one, "often people are afraid of [police], because they're not taxpaying neighbors whose children go to school with their children."

Chicago, headquarters of Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, requires all of its municipal employees, including police, to live within city limits.

"Those who get nectar from the flower should sow pollen where they pick up nectar," said Jackson.



  1. Jessie Jackson go crawl back under the rock you slithered out of. You POS!

  2. It is very possible that they can't find qualified people in Baltimore.

  3. Is he seriously using Chicago as an example?! Their crime rate is horrible! It isn't working there, so why would it in Baltimore?

  4. "...because they're not taxpaying neighbors whose children go to school with their children."
    If you have to be a taxpaying neighbor to qualify, I highly doubt most of the rioters meet that standard.

  5. I do not think Jessie Jacka** lives in Baltimore either. Using the opinion he just espoused, why does he think he has a say in Baltimore. More over, why would anyone listen.

  6. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 30, 2015 at 3:46 PM

    Well, we know, where Al Sharpton is, Jesse Jackson is too, like Dumb & Dumber, except they spewing race baiting garbage out of their mouths. Always stirring the pot, trying to nake thenselves Irrelevent, Attention Drama Queens they are. And unfortunately many blacks fall for this Circus Show. If Sharpton paid taxes he Owes to IRS, every black man in Harlem, NY would be driving a Cadillac..

  7. Like 3:46 said Jesse Jackson is another Al Sharpton, Jesse's own son has a record as a thug, what do you expect. I'd rather have the mother who stepped up to the plate to pull her son out of a riot my vote is for that kind of mother not celebrities who only care of attention good or bad all the same to them!


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