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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

In Every City In America There Are People Ready To Riot, Loot And Set Things On Fire

The city of Baltimore has been transformed into an “absolute war zone“, and the governor of Maryland has declared a state of emergency as the rioting in “Charm City” continues to escalate. The funeral for Freddie Gray has unleashed a firestorm of violence, and none of it is going to do anyone any good. To their credit, some of the leaders of the African-American community are standing up and loudly condemning the violence. They know that smashing cars, throwing rocks at police and looting stores is not going to solve anything. But just like we saw in Ferguson, there are lots of people out there that are ready to riot, loot and set things on fire at the drop of a hat – all they need is an opportunity. The social decay that has been eating away at the foundations of our society for generations is now manifesting in some very ugly ways. We have raised an entire generation of young people in a “value free” environment, and now we are getting to experience some of the consequences of our foolishness. And what we are witnessing in Baltimore right now is just the start. Eventually, we are going to see scenes like this all over the nation. 


  1. We are ripe for this. We have a very high employment rate, especially among black youth. It is bound to cause conflict. You have leaders in the black community who blame whitey for everything.

  2. I think they're using the "dead criminal" story over and over, to whip up a frenzy for a race war.

    I don't want to see that happen. I hope the "good" and law abiding black people with morals will stand up and say ""Get your ass back in the house where you belong!"

    I don't want confrontation or any kind of animosity. If they want it, they'll have to bring it to my door. And if they do, I'm not going to invite them in for tea and cookies.

  3. Smart people have said, for years, that the biggest reason for the violence in the Middle East is the fact that there is a very large percentage of young men who are unemployed.
    Young, idealistic men with nothing to do but......cause trouble.
    There are HUGE swaths in every city in the USA where no one works. No one. Entire (and very big) apartment complexes where no one has a job.
    Why is THAT any different than the Middle East, except that taxpayers are sending these people money every month to keep the peace?? The police aren't going to solve ANY social issue (unless they start slaughtering Democrats).
    To quote Clint Eastwood, "it's not a bad idea".
    Otherwise, buy more ammo.
    Entropy, my friends, entropy.

  4. Hay, wouldn't you steal a nice big flat screen TV or designer clothes if you knew nothing was going to happen to you? If they shoot these thieves then it would stop.


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