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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Hillary Hit Bill In The Head With A Book After Monica Affair

During the height of President Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky scandal, a White House maid entered the bedroom to clean and was shocked to find the president and first lady’s bed covered in blood.

The blood belonged to the president, who said publicly that he “hurt himself running into the bathroom door in the middle of the night.”

But the White House residence staff believed differently. As one worker told author Kate Anderson Brower, “We’re pretty sure [Hillary Clinton] clocked him with a book.”

“There were at least 20 books on the bedside table for his betrayed wife to choose from,” Brower adds, “including the Bible.”

For “The Residence,” political journalist Brower interviewed more than 100 former members of the notoriously secretive White House residence staff, as well as former first ladies Laura and Barbara Bush and Rosalynn Carter and several former first children, for an intimate look at the personal sides of our presidents.

Here are some of their tales:

1 comment:

  1. Wonder she didn't use super glue or take the Bobbitt course! Either one would've been acceptable!


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