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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Governor Larry Hogan Statement On Conclusion Of 2015 Legislative Session

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today released the following statement in response to the conclusion of the 2015 legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly:

“The people of Maryland made it clear last year that the same old path of more spending, more taxes, and politics as usual was not acceptable. While I have reservations about the General Assembly’s actions on the budget, I am proud to have ended the session on a high note by reining in spending, cutting taxes, providing record investment in education and changing the overall trajectory of the state. I am also pleased that these actions passed with support from both parties.

"We did not get everything we wanted and the legislature did not get everything it wanted, but Marylanders will benefit from the passage of the repeal of the Rain Tax, important improvements in our charter school law, and tax relief for retired military.

“Finally, while I am concerned that the budget passed by the legislature does not provide the fiscal discipline that Maryland taxpayers expect and deserve, and raids teacher and state employee pensions to pay for temporary needs, I firmly believe we have changed the debate in Annapolis and will be able to take steps address our concerns on spending in the future.”


  1. Warning to the obstructionist democrats who are still refusing to work with Hogan. YOU will be voted out next.

  2. Veto EVERYTHING that isn't pro America and pro tax and cut.

  3. Wicomico County mirrors this behavior with RINOs. Vote out Cannon, Matt Holloway and Hall next time. Line up your candidates now!!!

  4. Concealed Carry. Do it.

  5. Glad to finally see someone live up to campaign promises. I am a live long democrat but no more.

  6. Governor, please provide a list of the legislators that provided the greatest hindrance to furthering what the voters requested last election cycle. We'll concentrate on these obstructionists so we can move this state forward on an ongoing basis.

    Thanks and keep up the great work!

  7. Slumlord cannon OUT.

  8. Where is our religious liberty law?

  9. Welfare reform larry????
    Concealed carry larry,
    Cut new school funding larry.


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