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Sunday, April 12, 2015



  1. This is exact proof the cops don't give two shits about anyone but themselves or their own...

    They shoot you and leave you there to bleed out and won't render aid to you... they shoot you in stead of tase you... they shoot you when you try and run because most are so damn fat they won't and can't chase you... Like that girl who died of brain damage after she ran handcuffed and a fat cop who could have reached out with an arm, instead tased her and here head hit the pavement like a hammer...

    Look what happens when an officer is shot or hurt or killed or threatened, they will send 15 ambulances they will have the whole cop force come help, they will have the whole force hunt the person down if they got away and they will have around the clock protection for threats, like the Chris donor situation...

    Imagine if cops did that for the average citizen... Instead, you get a swat team come in and kill you if you don't show up to court for a traffic or better yet a civil ticket...

  2. This is a horrific murder. But, you can't assume it's all officers. Just saying....

  3. 3:50 PM You cant assume anything about any officer. You could be dealing with a Psycho or someone having a bad day. Either way this man was actively retreating, not even facing the officer, with no weapon of any kind. This man was gunned down in cold blood while running for his life. This is not a case of the officer protecting himself. This was murder.

    That is of course assuming that this is real and not a false flag to further enrage an already weak minded public in order to ensight further rioting thus bringing us closer to martial law. I say this because who can tell anymore.

    1. A bad day can make an officer do this?

  4. Wow I am so glad that someone got this on video. This should prove that the police need to be trained to shoot only if there is a weapon pointing at them come on people. Yes I do agree with the fact that if you run away it may not end well for you. But that shouldn't mean you are going to loose your life for running. Why why can't they shoot in the leg area or tase them if there is not a weapon involved. I understand police are involved with some pretty violent people and they have to protect them selves and others. But this was just the worst example of how a police officer should handle that situation. I can not imagine how this mans family and friends are feeling after seeing this, so very sad for all.

  5. If not for the video you would all be defending the shooting.

  6. 8 shots REALLY? This kop should be given the electric chair! The suspect was NO THREATH to the thug Kop! No reason at all to shoot him he should have given Chase but as always they will find a way to excuse the thug KOP! He will be cleared of the charges and allowed to keep his job what a shame that we all have to worry about thugs like this. Can you say SUBMIT because I say so? What's next you get shot and killed just for doing 45 mph in a 40mph zone? It's time we ban all the guns for the police and not the citizens seems the only ones doing the killing these days are the police.

  7. I have always believed that the officer could drop him by shooting him in the ass. There will be more to this story before it's over.


  9. Hands up don't shoot! !!!

  10. we are at war with kops

  11. 528
    no we aint just thugs like u.

    1. And me along with all the new attitudes seen here in the last year. Wake up officers. Your favor is lost .

  12. I am in Law Enforcement and this officer gives us a bad name. Totally a no shoot situation.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    no we aint just thugs like u.

    April 8, 2015 at 5:43 PM

    lol nice comeback there junior.

    when YOUR bodies start stacking up, then we will see.

  14. 614
    bring it obama.

  15. 6.14
    go back too your ebt apt.

  16. 614 is part of the 13% population and 25% on welfare lots of time to talk trash.

  17. Anyone ever hear of the 5th Amendment?

  18. Sorry in my 26 years as a police officer I have never seen one this bad. I do not give a shit about what happened before. The officer lied on the radio and shot a man fleeing with no weapon in the back. The total number shots indicates this cop is crazy or just plain killer.

    It is time for good cops to speak out. Less then 1% of police in this country are crooked. As an homest cop you look the other way to this you are no better.

    I now or in the past have ever been ashamed of the men and women I have served with. I despise a crooked cop. Cops who beat 95s in cuffs really what got your ass beat as a kid or what ?? You are either a good cop or a bad there is no in between period.

    As for you haters suck it. You do not have the balls to do what cops do on a daily basis. Do not lump all cops in one basket. Its like saying all blacks or all whites. It just does not fit the bill.

    1. Ty. But less than 1%? Really? WHO are you trying to convince? Yourself I hope. The people who aren't cops know the truth.

  19. That cop is a mental case, he handcuffed a dead man. Even if he was still alive, he sure was no threat to get up!

  20. As for you haters suck it. You do not have the balls to do what cops do on a daily basis. Do not lump all cops in one basket. Its like saying all blacks or all whites. It just does not fit the bill.

    April 8, 2015 at 6:53 PM

    what balls does it take to be a kop? your profession is not even in the top ten dangerous occupations, YET! and telling people to suck it when they speak up about this crap? you try to play the violin but you're just as bad.

    bring it obama.

    April 8, 2015 at 6:19 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    go back too your ebt apt.

    April 8, 2015 at 6:20 PM
    Anonymous AA watch. said...
    614 is part of the 13% population and 25% on welfare lots of time to talk trash.

    April 8, 2015 at 6:23 PM

    name and address?

  21. this is an assasination. trying him for murder is the correct decision. Now we will see if he gets off like the other murderous cops that came before him.

  22. The percentage of bad cops is not the issue. The real issue is the percenatge of supposedly good cops that stand by and allow these rogues to operate with impunity.

    If there was no video I don't doubt for a second that black cop would have backed up some BS story that criminal made up and there would have been no charges brought.

    For those that say they are cops, you better start cleaning up your own backyard because the winds of change are blowing.

  23. No the problem is the 13% of the population do not listen to police since being told not to listen by obama holder shapton msnbc nbc cnn all part of the Obama aganda.

  24. We can and will do better. Let's pray for the family of the victim and become a part of the conversation for change so this never happens to another individual of any race in our country.

    1. I agree but people need to listen to police and this would not happen.

  25. listen to police? why would I want to listen to an uneducated low iq government servant? go to hell! and don't worry I won't be calling for your help. Only time I ever seem to deal with kops is when it's some chicken shit ahole who aint got the balls to go into the hood and deal with real criminals. No i got a tag light out or some other bs! Now that's really keeping crime down! like I said go to hell!

  26. I seriously doubt "not listening" falls under the authorization to use deadly force.

  27. Cop went to get stun gun to stun perp, perp took stun gun away from cop, proceeds to exit scene. Cops whips out gun and executes perp for non compliance.

    Cops on roids ....guarantee the cop was on the juice.

    1. Listen to the police commands and go home why run unlees you have something to hide.

    2. Joe This guy had a warrent for chilld support but driving a BENZ ?gotta love priorities.

    3. Where did law enforcement officers become judges and juries???

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Listen to the police commands and go home why run unlees you have something to hide.

    April 8, 2015 at 10:26 PM

    Why murder someone for running? over a freaking brake light

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Listen to the police commands and go home why run unlees you have something to hide.

    April 8, 2015 at 10:26 PM

    Am I the only one who has a problem with this statement and attitude?

  30. 10:26 read the 5th amendment. "...nor be deprived of LIFE, liberty, or property, without DUE PROCESS of law;..."

  31. I guess the act of running away threatened the office safety..

  32. Hands up don't shoot! !!!

  33. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 9, 2015 at 1:45 AM

    Horrible! Charge that cop with murder. Absolutely no reason to open fire on the possible suspect. This case is a case of Crooked Cop shooting an Unarmed Civilian. It is not about the race, but the racebaiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be all over this and ready to start some riot.

  34. this kop has been fired, charged with murder, the FBI and DOJ is investigating and stupid kops around here still wanna defend on of their pos brothers.

    that says a lot about what kind of people we have wearing tin badge

    1. Now there saying the coo and perp where on the ground fighting so this adds up now why the cop shot him and once again the media jumps the gun,

  35. People need to have some fear/respect for the police.Recent incidents like those that have happened over the last year are unfortunate but they did the trick.Maybe the police (nationwide)just got tired of being ridiculed.

    1. You need to turn in your American citizenship!!! The Cops are the reals gangs.. terrorizing, violating, murdering the same individuals they are supposed to Protect and Service.. not to mention cops are paid by TAX money..

  36. 852 no its called thug control.

    1. It's called the Bill of Rights 5th amendment.. Did you actually watch the video?? Or just playing the race game

  37. 9.29
    lol yep but i say do not run and/or fight with Leo stand up for breaking the law and non payment of child support and move on.

  38. I applaud the police department that took such swift action in charging him. It shocked me that he wasn't just put on suspension like the cop in Ferguson MO. If he doesn't get put to death by a judge he won't live long in prison I hope. If only the government would enforce each and every cop in this country wear a camera at all times maybe then they would think twice about their actions. I also applaud the person that was taping the whole incident all citizens should follow suit and tape any police involved incident if possible to help with this abuse of authority.

  39. break the law, and bingo.
    youre dead.
    do what the police ask, and you WILL survive.
    its not that difficult.

    1. So a cop is a judge jury and executioner as well now.

      If a law says that someone running from a cop can be shot, that law needs to be changed.

      But we both know the truth don't we

  40. I agree that you should do what they say. Some people just panic, but if you don't have a weapon you shouldn't loose your life.

  41. This was a coverup on ALL the cops part that were seen in that video. until the video was made public. The second cop on the scene was standing right there when the taser gun was dropped by the victim. Those cops that were participating in the coverup should be charged, as well. And all the ones that participated in the previous excessive force exoneration (coverup) for this same cop should be charged. This is why cops should not be allowed to police themselves. That "blue code of silence" will always seek to cover up the crimes THEY commit.

  42. 10:18....We, the People, PRAY you aren't a cop. PRAY.
    "Break the law and bingo, you're dead" ????
    YOU get to decide which citizen gets to live and die because they "broke the law"???? WOW.
    My God. In 3 short sentences, you have encapsulated the entire problem with today's police force.
    The police do NOT get to kill anyone and everyone that pisses them off, smart-mouth's them, moves too fast for their liking, or SCARES them (you scare waaay too easily!). Or decides to run.
    Those 3 sentences you wrote should not only alarm regular taxpaying citizens, but scare the living hell out of them.
    And the "WILL survive" thing has been disproven often enough that you look pretty uninformed (I'm being generous).
    It might do you good to do some further reading on 10:54's post.
    Hell, read the whole document.

  43. Imclain typical liberal fool jumps the GUN without knowing all the facts, I bet your a single welfare mom obama drooling coolaid drinker thats whats wrong with idiots like you Killing America.
    Innocent until proven Guilty.

    1. "Innocent until proven Guilty" exactly why law enforcement is not judge and jury.. hands up don't shoot

  44. One bad cop and the idiots want to do away with all police agencies.

    1. Obamas plan military state control.

  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    People need to have some fear/respect for the police.Recent incidents like those that have happened over the last year are unfortunate but they did the trick.Maybe the police (nationwide)just got tired of being ridiculed.

    April 9, 2015 at 8:25 AM

    Like imclain, I PRAY you are not a cop. But if you are, I hope someone finds out your identity and deals with you.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    One bad cop and the idiots want to do away with all police agencies.

    April 9, 2015 at 12:46 PM

    Everyday we read stories about bad kops across this country. There is way more than one bad kop. Keep repeating the lie and people will believe it?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    break the law, and bingo.
    youre dead.
    do what the police ask, and you WILL survive.
    its not that difficult.

    April 9, 2015 at 10:18 AM

    Not only is that false, but it's heavy handed and unnecessary. You and others like you have the wrong attitude and need to retrained or removed.

  46. I love kops i hate thug criminals.

  47. Wait and see. The rogue cops are going to start shooting the bystanders recording their criminal acts. They will say they felt "in fear of their life" and they "thought" the phone was a weapon being aimed at them. Its coming folks...The bad boy cops are out of control. Have been for a long time. The use of the amateur videos is just making what the cops have always covered up, pubic now. What's being done by cops is nothing new. They are just starting to get caught now.

  48. 12:20...I'd have some respect for your opinion if you could read, write, spell, punctuate, and capitalize better than a second grader.
    Stop thinking Scotch is a substitute for a good breakfast.
    You may not realize it, but it skewers your thought processes.
    From your incoherent post, I'm thinking you don't have much in the way of "thought processes" anyway.
    Like all those German citizens, you'll cheer and support WHATEVER your "leaders" tell you is "right" without ANY critical thought. Refer back to the previous paragraph for clarification.
    They love you in the same way the British crown loved the Hessians.

    You don't know what I'm talking about, do you???
    Just keep cheering. You have found your calling.

  49. 632
    What a bunch of B^%^&&*&T

  50. They need to raise the standards for being a police officer, but of course that will upset minorities.

  51. 10:03 In case you were in a bunker under ground somewhere the shooting in Ferguson proved to be "justified". African Americans came forward telling the truth. Brown never had his hands up. So please stop using that case as a reference.

    This is apples and oranges. This cop is a murderer. I have to think there is more here and it wont be good. This cop is a pure criminal.

    As for all that lump all police into one basket. You are obviously a libtard bigot or that drunk from Willards. lol

  52. 6:32 that's all you got???
    Another weak mind.

  53. He shot the cop with a tazer.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He shot the cop with a tazer.

    April 12, 2015 at 6:38 PM

    stop lying.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He shot the cop with a tazer.

    April 12, 2015 at 6:38 PM

    stop lying.

    April 12, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    looks like I may owe you an apology.


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