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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Donations For Rodney Todd And Family

Karen Wells and Stephanie Wells (Supervisor) have created this page to help the family of Rodney Todd. Rodney Todd and his 7 children lost their lives. We as a community, state and country need to come together and help this family. Please I'm asking for your help. All donations will be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you all in advance. Please keep the family in prayer, during this tragic time.



  1. just donated thank you.

  2. Help with what? They're all dead.

  3. 10:25 AM

    "Help with what?" You nimrod. Do you have any idea what a funeral costs? Much less, eight of them? Social services and welfare doesn't pay for funerals, and funeral homes don't take credit.

  4. 10:25, don't be ignorant. It's to help bury them. There is also a gofundme account...I am not sure which one to donate to!

  5. I do not see the gofundme acct.

  6. The good Christians on here would rather send money to some anti gay pizza fool than help a local family.

  7. FYI-2:04 I donated to both. Then after reading on here there may be a Todd family GoFundMe I went there and looked. I couldn't find it but did donate to several others locally in need.
    Who did you donate to this week?

  8. http://www.gofundme.com/r997b3s

  9. Cremation is a lot cheaper than burial. I was going to donate until I learned more about why and how this tragedy happened. Sorry but can't do it. If there were surviving children involved, yes.

    1. He has a surving son in baltimore

    2. Then don't leave you thoughtless comment. Remember the lord has laid out everyone life the way he want it. So before u criticize people and the decisions they make u must remember. This is all in his plans.

  10. I am so angry! Someone by the name of LeVar Smith felt compelled to blame Andy Harris for these deaths amid the condolences, sympathies and prayers people are offering up on the Todd fundraising page.
    I'll tell you what Smith because I ain't no Christian. You are a low class piece of crap and your own mother and father need a foot shoved up their asses so far that they choke to death for raising such a POS as yourself. Your garbage pure garbage not fit to even breath the same air as Andy Harris. And as is typical of your type.....LeeeeeeVarrrrr have no idea what personal responsibility is all about because your own parents are worthless and should have had abortions. REal good at making babies but no clue how to raise them properly.

  11. 4:43, What a rotten attitude you have. You're all over this Levar person....maybe you should take a look at yourself....

  12. That's these low information voters for you. If LeVar had a brain they would have been embarrassed to say what they did because if it's anyone's fault it's Obama and the democrats and anyone who knows anything about how the government works knows this.
    Andy Harris and the rest of the republicans had no power and even now with them taking the Senate they have very little because obama vetoes everything.
    Ahhh if LeVar only had a brain they would also know that it's obama and the democrats and THEIR liberal immigration policies that are sucking dry the money allocated to social welfare programs and the non profits tasked with providing relief for the low income.
    And........if LeVar only had a brain they would know that a memorial page is NOT the place for politics.

  13. I donated through the myevent site. It was started by Ms Stephanie Wells who is the nice caring lady who went to look for Rodney Todd when he didn't show up for work.
    The GoFundMe was started by the family and doesn't elaborate as to who and if it's the "mother" of the children or her side of the family I don't trust her at all. If it's Mr Todd's family they should let people know.

    1. Some people have their nerve. Just because the family split and dad took kids mean she's less of a mother out to gain something from their death. How about she was just married to a strong man who wanted his kids, maybe all you know are the weak men in your world. There are great FATHERS out here. I hope no one made a decision on their donations based on her thoughtless comment.

  14. As you all know Princess Anne is a a small town and talk is the funeral is being taken care of by a funeral home.Before anyone gives a dime more to this fund they need to check if the funerals services are being taken care of.I am sure the Princess Anne police can find that out for us all.No need to collect money if every thing is already paid for right? I would love to be
    help with the a donation but I am not giving if it has been paid for already. I know a lot of others are feeling the same way as more facts to this story are coming out. God Bless those 7 angels in heaven !

    1. Maybe the money is for some tombstones for the family..Just because the funeral home donated the cost doesn't mean they didn't take a loss and need some back..I take my hat off to the Bennie Smith funeral Service for helping. They took a big weight off of the Todd family by coming in to help with 8 services. I'm not saying this will go to them in any way, but this is about donations. Should it be a problem to donate to a service that help you in a time of need.

  15. 7.24 I agree Ms Wells must be a caring person to look into why Mr Todd was not at work and alert the police.God Bless you Ms.Wells for taking the time to care ! Looks like no one else did.

  16. Bennie Smith funeral home is donating all funeral costs. What's the fund for?

  17. What are these donations for? All funeral costs have been donated, so who will receive this money and what will it be used for?

    1. Expenses doesn't stop after service. U ever priced a head stone? Now multiply that times 8.


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