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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Distracted Driver Month

Today I was asked why two Sheriff's Deputies were standing at Naylor Mill and Jersey Road. After researching why, I came to learn that this is distracted drivers month. All Law Enforcement are looking for people not using their seat belts and or using their cell phones while driving.

One report came in stating they were standing on the corner at 6:30 in the morning, so you never know when and where they'll be but I support their efforts. I know many of you will say it violates our rights but you must remember, driving is a privilege, not a right. 

Oh, please don't come back saying Police use their cell phones while driving. While they are allowed to by law, I can tell you that Sheriff Lewis discourages his Officers from doing so.   


  1. it may be "discouraged" but i see A LOT of cops on their cell phones while driving. not just sheriff's deputies either, state and city police also. don't get me wrong, i believe that there should be some sort of penalty for people using cell phones while driving, but that includes police officers.

  2. It probably would have been better to leave the combat-ready dude to the sheriff's right out of the picture.

    I think America has had enough of the Rambo stuff for now.

  3. This is just a tax on people that cannot afford fancy new cars with all that bluetooth stuff that lets them talk on the phone while driving. Are they stopping the lady putting makeup on while smoking a cig and drinking coffee?

  4. This should be done every month on all road, highways. I certainly see a lot of distracted drivers on cell phones up and down Route 13 on Maryland and Delaware side.

  5. 3:10, That would be distracted driving, so yes, I believe they would ticket someone for that as well.

  6. Under that logic, so would be eating a burger/fries while driving or looking at a map. So distracted driving is now probable cause to stop and search vehicles?

  7. Hold On!!
    LEOs are supposed to enforce the law!! Right?? If so, should those laws apply to them as well?? SPD 60 in 35 mph on 13 North!! Crisfield PD 80 on 13 south!!

    1. Chief Tabor late for happy hour

  8. Driving is a privilege.
    Okay. we got that.
    Being "secure in persons and papers" is a RIGHT. Trumps "privilege" EVERY TIME.
    Having the Gestapo on every corner peering into cars might be okay with YOU, but I, like millions of others, don't like the idea of being under constant and pervasive surveillance by government soldiers, LOOKING to see IF I am a criminal (for eating an Egg McMuffin on the way to work, no less!)
    If THAT is the best thing they have to do, I'm thinking there are too many cops. With too much time on their hands.
    You lemmings. You sheep. You non-thinking Bozo's who would be okay with having a cop at the end of your driveway (you know, to go through your car and your pocketbook to make sure you aren't violating any law before you hit the road).
    Which is probably not too far in the future, considering we have so many people willing to surrender their last iota of freedom and privacy to prove what "goot ci-di-zens" they are.
    I guess X-ray scanners in your neighborhood, drones at 40,000 feet taking your picture, fake cell phone devices directing all calls to a POLICE intercept, total monitoring of ALL electronic communications of ALL Americans, multiple cameras snapping your picture (and storing it forever in police and government files) every time you are in public, just isn't enough for the resident storm troopers. I
    NOW, they want to see if there are French fries in your mouth.
    They should be ashamed. And so should you.
    Keep cheering!!

  9. As my Daddy used to say, "I'll wear a seat belt when they outlaw motorcycles."

    Yes, I know seat belts save lives. Save yourself spewing the self righteous bullshit.

    But it's just another way the nanny state has intruded into our lives, legislating behavior and safety while other wildly more un-safe behaviors are allowed to continue un-checked. The hypocrisy and stupidity of it all is overwhelming.

  10. I've seen them at that location in the past, doing the same thing. It was funny to see a police officer actually hiding behind a tree at the intersection, so that he could peek around at the cars stopped at the stop sign to see if they had their seat belts on. There was a marked car past the intersection that was pulling over violators and issuing tickets. Must be a successful revenue stream for them to do it repeatedly.

  11. If mike lewis cared so much then why doesn't he look at the department cell phone bills and fix it? I followed a female deputy from one end of the county to the other on rt 50. Non stop talking on the phone. 30 mins almost if her laughing and smacking her steering wheel. And cops need to follow the law. They have radios. If what they got to say is so important use the radios. If its not that important then it can wait! Or pull over! Not like they should be talking and speeding to a call! Its just more to blow up their heads with crap they can do that civilians can't.

  12. VERY well put 3:34 and 4:01!

    and that picture is a P.R. nightmare as well

  13. well said 3:334. It's easy for the kops when everything is a crime! They no longer need a reason, just you venturing outside your house and or driving down the road is enough! Hell they may even want to pay you a midnight visit at home!
    When is enough enough?

  14. imclain is 1000% correct, we have hundreds of cops but crime is out of control. cops r 2 busy shaking down the working man instead of hunting down the thugs. the working man is an easy target do u suppose they're scared to deal with the home boys

  15. 4:39
    There is no money in arresting a thug. They get a free attorney and they don't work so they can't get a dime from them if they get locked up it costs even more money.....now comes the working person. They give them huge fines because they know they will pay them if they want to continue to drive. If you can't afford it to bad they don't care how it will effect you as long as they can get the revenue from the public.

  16. Who defines 'distracted driving' anyway? Is there a firm definition attached to the law?
    Is eating a ham sandwich or smoking a pipe/cigar/cigarette/vape or reading a billboard or a lingering glance in the rearview mirror or turning on the radio distracted driving?
    So who's call is it anyway? Is it just a cop's judgment call and "tell it to the judge", BS?
    Or., maybe it's all BS and just another form of freedom cops are so willing to steal from us as directed by the fascists they serve so faithfully.

  17. I know many of you will say it violates our rights but you must remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.

    It is a right, unless you drive commercially. There is a difference between a driver and a traveler.

  18. Driving is a right not a privilege. The supreme court has said so and this is a myth.

  19. 3:39
    The difference is an education.

  20. there is no catch all distracted driving charge. you have to be talking on your cell phone, texting, or wearing ear phones in both ears. and you don't need a fancy new car to have Bluetooth, you can buy one at walmart.

  21. Is the guy in the green going out for a Navy S.E.A.L. mission against ISIS or looking for distracted driving? Ridiculous.

    1. No he is the federal military advisor for wicomico. His job is to teach biw to employee up to date military tactics and how to use all the high tech and powerful weapons that the government has given to the Barney Fifes in our country. You know, in case the terrorist land in Salisbury and take over the country!

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The difference is an education.

    April 23, 2015 at 7:51 AM

    which you obviously do not possess.

  23. target at 9o'clock

  24. I witnessed a distracted Wicomico County Deputy on Friday morning. He was reading a paper and swerving across the line the whole time I was behind him on Route 50.

  25. They snuck a militarized troop in the picture. What, is he going to assault and kill people or what? Killing people with assault rifle is for my safety? Don,t text while driving or a army troop is going assault you with his AR15 rifle. OK


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