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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Deportations Of Illegals Plummet on Obama’s Watch

The federal government’s chief deportation agency has seen its success plummet under President Obama, and its chief, Sarah R. Saldana, will tell Congress on Tuesday that they’ve had trouble adapting to the changing face of illegal immigration and a lack of cooperation from both American cities and from foreign countries.

Ms. Saldana, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), says in testimony prepared for the House Judiciary Committee that the dramatic drop in deportations is a reflection of a trickier set of circumstances and pressures from all sides.

She said she had to pull agents off their regular duties during last summer’s illegal immigrant surge at the border, which meant fewer people focusing on deporting the longtime illegal immigrants living in the interior of the U.S. And she said the lack of cooperation from states, counties and cities when agents ask them to hold an illegal immigrant for pickup has also hindered efforts.

“While the reasons for this may vary, including state and local legislative restrictions and judicial findings of state and local liability, in certain circumstances we believe such a lack of cooperation may increase the risk that dangerous criminals are returned to the streets, putting the public and our officers at greater risk,” she will testify.

More here


  1. Why would they want to get rid of dumbocratic inclined voters!

  2. The dems are allowing this in order to secure their votes in the next election. They'll do anything anymore to win elections even if it's illegal.

  3. they're not ILLEGALS, they're just democrats that haven't registered to vote yet...

  4. He's worried his name is on the list, after all, he was a register Foreign student without proper entry forms.

  5. Hundreds of thousands have illegally entered our country, with the public blessing of the very people you elected to ENFORCE the law!
    Many are criminals, rapists, murders, and gang-bangers (I'm talking about the illegals, not the politicians).
    Many are from -- get this and figure it out -- from Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan. Hmmmmmmmmm.
    I wonder why they traveled all that way to come to the U.S. and try to enter undetected? Hmmmmmm.
    Your "leaders" can't stop telling you how much they care for you, how much you mean to them.
    While they ignore/flaunt the very law they SWORE to uphold.
    No one says a word.
    They, without question, endanger all of us, including the ones who would cheer them even if they drew a pentagram on the White House lawn and called forth Satan.
    When (not if) a nuke goes off in the U.S., the finger can be DIRECTLY pointed at obama & holder.
    Do your job. Honor the Constitution. Stop BREAKING the law!
    The rest of you?
    Keep CHEERING!!!


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