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Monday, April 06, 2015

‘Completely Awesome’ Cardboard Fort Is the Hit of the Neighborhood. But City Code Enforcement Isn’t in the Mood to Play.

You have to give the Trentelmans an “A” for creativity.

The Utah family of four — Jeremy and wife Dee, along with their toddlers Max, 3, and Story, 2 — and some friends turned a pile of cardboard boxes last week into a front-yard fort complete with towers, trap doors, and tunnels.

“I just thought it was an awesome way to use boxes and my kids’ imagination,” Jeremy Trentelman told the Standard Examiner.

But after just one day in existence, the makeshift fort attracted the City of Ogden’s attention — specifically code enforcement.



  1. I would move it from yard to yard every 14 days. Make code enforcement keep sending out their threats to each home owner. After a while maybe they will get tired of sending out this absurd letter.

  2. I'd leave it there and literally pull my pants down and show my ass every time they came. People you applaud the grasp of the government and look where it is getting us. Its not just the police over reaching. Do you know some codes enforce that you have water tables built on your new home. No matter how ugly? Or sprinkler systems.....which I think is common sense but still should be your choice. Or being forced to pay tags n insurance on a project car in your yard or it will be towed or a fine in place for having an untagged vehicle.have to have insurance to have the tags.The point is it is your house and your land. You paid for it and the taxes. You should be able to do whatever you want on your land.

  3. The city of Ogden is also the home of the faceless IRS henchmen that do tax audits.

  4. This is over the top for all but the most anal retentive code enforcement officer or neighbor.
    Once the kids destroy the fort, or it rains, it will be reduced to trash and I'm sure that the owners will treat it as such, but for now it's creative repurposing of materials that the codes don't address, unless they have specific regulations about cardboard forts. It's a toy, for crying out loud, and a safe one at that, with never a CPSC warning to be issued for it. What dorks!

  5. How ya all like that good ole American freedom now?
    This is what 50+ years of liberalism has spawned.., power hungry gov'ts and power hungry people tied to those gov'ts.
    "I know what's best for you and I'm damn well gonna make you live that way."

  6. Although no one would admit it,it proably was a snooty neighbor who complained.No need for anybody to get upset the first time it rains its done.


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