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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chelsea Clinton Stepping Up as Key Player in Dynasty

Chelsea Clinton, the 35-year-old daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, is said to be her mother's most significant counselor.

A major decision maker at the family's $2 billion foundation, she is expected to play an influential role in the 2016 campaign, and may well become a key White House player if her mother becomes president, according to Politico.

"She has all of her father and mother's qualities. I could say 'and then some,' but I don't think that's even necessary. It's enough to just have those," said financier and longtime Clintonite Alan Patricof. He said he gathered that she would herself someday seek to "run a company or she'll run a charity or she'll run a country."



  1. I see that picture and all I can think of is ... "What me worry?"

  2. She is married to a POS.

  3. and she has done what????

  4. Children of the corn.

  5. 6:58 AM Wonder if she thinks the same about you? Where did you first meet her husband to know him so intimately?

  6. 8:45 it's easy see birds of a feather type deal. she's a pos so by association he is too! Or let me guess did you get a 1/2 mil salary to work for one of the networks also? While not having any skill set. Just because of who your mommy and pathetic daddy are? Sure wish I coulda sealed that deal. We got rid of the King for the same reason!

  7. The best leaders and preachers are those who and walked the walked and talked the talk. I believe she is not one of them. She was born to privilege and has also had a pampered life from her years in the White house to her cushy job in Wall Street and NBC. I don't believe she knows what it is like to live from paycheck to paycheck or has ever starved or had a choice between groceries or paying a bill. She reminds me of a younger version of Hillary. I'm sick of the family and sick of the name in general. They are not royalty. They need to go. Her parents should be in jail for the crimes they have already done while in office.

  8. We are in a Real Mess if she
    wins !

    Elitist Do Not Get It!!

  9. People in their 30's are the worse. They think they know everything. They don't yet know what they don't know.


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