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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Baltimore About To Completely Shut Down

From what we are gathering, rioters are gathering at multiple Malls outside of the City of Baltimore, many being shipped in from Washington, D.C. and other areas.

Police are spreading out just about everywhere and many Malls have already chosen to shut down. 

There may be a curfew in Baltimore City but at this time there is no curfew in surrounding municipalities outside the City.

Protesters and rioters are spreading throughout the state. People are being urged to stay INDOORS tonight, even here on the Eastern Shore.


  1. Time to clean the weapons.

    1. I'll bet there's not a box of shells to be had on the shore right now...

    2. Got that right

  2. they are always clean and loaded

  3. Do you suppose that the police will turn a blind eye on those of us law abiding citizens who might decide that now is a good time to carry our concealed weapons?

  4. nope, the police will ignore the protesters and grab all those speeders!

  5. Of course not. Why pass up a relatively easy, co-operative arrest, and go after the dangerous criminal element instead?

    We aren't a threat to cops, and I am sure they know it. Most police that I know, are in favor of it for law abiding citizens, but they have to answer to their supervisors, who have to follow the political dictates of the regime.

  6. There has always been some issues between blacks and whites, but I feel that since Obama was put into office, things are worse than ever.

  7. Salisbury -- not to worry -- Fake Day and Liarton are on the scene!



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