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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore Riots


  1. From an article posted in the Sun posted moments ago.

    "In his documents, Freddie Gray checked "work injury, medical malpractice and auto accident" as the type of accident. When asked to explain, he also wrote something that is unreadable. He also wrote something unreadable when asked if he was a minor when the case was settled."

  2. Freddie used and sold dope. Sorry America Liberals pick another poster child. You struck out with Brown, Tayvonne and now Freddie.

    I politely say SUCK IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Riots are unquestionably bad. But dont think for a second that this mans criminal history justified what happened to him. If you are so stupid that you have to use that argument then you are not worth the time it takes to have an intelligent discussion.

    If the police can not stop themselves from reacting to an uneducated, illiterate thugs comments and the police get goaded into beating him up then those police men need to suck on the end of my gun. Because THEY are the problem.

  4. Class war is coming and i hope the 13% are ready to get there ass kicked.

  5. this man's criminal history is precisely why he is dead.

  6. "Because THEY are the problem."

    Look stupid, this criminal had had, literally, dozens of encounters with the police. He walked away unscathed until this last incident when his chosen life-style caught up with him. If these cops are the predators your fevered little brain imagines, how come they didn't eliminate him on one of the MANY previous encounters?

  7. "But dont think for a second that this mans criminal history justified what happened to him."

    With all due respect, the victim had preexisting conditions resulting from a former injury that public safety officials had no knowledge. Consider it an accident (that MAY have been prevented).

    As it is, he's dead. As it is, parents (most) let (in some cases LED) their kids break the law and harm legitimate business owners (all races). STEALING and TORCHING are not terms in any guide to honest living. ALL these "kids" should be awarded their arrest records to follow them thru life while they ponder "why me?".

    -1968 National Guard vet from the last Baltimore riot.


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