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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Baltimore Leaders Try to Curb Expectations Over a Pending Police Report

BALTIMORE — An edgy peace held sway here as a huge crowd took to the streets before a curfew Wednesday night and the mayor and the police sought to tamp down expectations that residents would learn details on Friday about how a young black man died after being injured in police custody.

Fears ran high that the end of the week could return this city to the violence spurred by the still-unexplained death of the man, Freddie Gray, 25 — particularly if people think they will get answers but do not. Speculation about the possible release of some or all of the findings has fueled expectations that the public will learn much more about the case that day.

But the mayor, the police commissioner, a large group of prominent clergymen and a lawyer for Mr. Gray’s family emerged from a meeting Wednesday to give a united warning against expecting any revelations Friday, when the Police Department has said it will turn its findings over to the state’s attorney for Baltimore, Marilyn J. Mosby, who will decide whether to seek criminal charges. Six officers have been suspended in the episode.

The 34-year-old Mosby is the daughter of police officers and wife of City Councilman Nick Mosby. She couples a police officer's love of telling stories from the beat with a belief in the importance of civil rights.

"The criminal justice system is probably the biggest problem facing African-Americans today," Mosby says.

After law school at Boston College, Mosby passed the Maryland bar in 2006 and started as a city prosecutor. She quickly moved up to handling more serious cases. She said she took about half a dozen felony cases to trial, as well as about 40 misdemeanors, before leaving the office in late 2011.

She was not involved in a rape or a murder case as a prosecutor.

Read more here
and here


  1. The truth will hurt them again - especially after the riots!

  2. The longer the delay in releasing the report, the more suspicious people will be that a big crock of BS is being cooked up. The police commissioner admitted at the beginning that Gray should have had medical attention much sooner. That could make a case for negligent homicide if nothing else happened in the van.

    1. Bs 90% of perps complain when they get arrested its called the felon whine, the Ambulances would be wrapped around Baltimore and any other big city for cry me a river perps get your facts straight.

    2. Crying liberal thugs .

  3. Right 11:45. There would be no cops left on the streets of Baltimore either because they have to accompany any prisoner in custody to the hospital.
    It's not what they say because they all do say they are hurt, it's what an officer observes.

  4. More the reason to swamp the state police with our applications for concealed carry permits..SHALL ISSUE!


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