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Sunday, April 12, 2015



  1. Since the government is the biggest employer, then I think, her efforts should be focused on getting raises for the military instead of chastising those who are trying to make a better life for themselves and have the fortitude to take on the big dogs.
    I apologize for her ignorance, but the days of those being "high school" jobs are over. They are often primary jobs for a lot of families. And corporations are posting their biggest profits ever, on the backs of their poverty class workers.
    Corporate welfare.

    I personally apologize for her ignorance and inability to spot the obvious.

    If an E1 Private is only making 18,378 for his/her family, then they are also living in poverty and on food stamps and welfare, working for the biggest and richest employer.

    Maybe she should get off her lazy fat a$$ and be out there protesting with the ambitious ones.

  2. Apparently Privates have minimum skills also or they would make better pay.

  3. simple as this, if those people who "chose" to work at FF joint, b/c of the choices they made culminated to that point, so be it. even if you WHINE and cry until you get 15$ an hour from MY government - it wont help you, because you will be a part time worker - people wont buy a crappy mcdonalds burger and 5cent soda for 15 dollars - go look at history, you will see that Price controls and wage controls have NEVER EVER EVER worked. it always fails.

  4. Im with jennifer. $15 for flipping burgers is ridiculous. Minimum skills = minimum money. Want more money, get more skills and get a better job.

  5. Why are you apologizing for her ignorance 4:25? You should really be apologizing for your own because you obviously either don't have a clue or you are a career burger-flipper yourself.

  6. Comparing military pay to non-military pay is not an apple-to-apples comparison.
    The military pay is lower for a number of reasons. With two being; housing and healthcare, both are provided by the government.
    Regardless, an E1 through E-5 with 2 or 3 kids is the equivalent of living on the edge!

  7. 4:25 thank you!

    Saying FF workers shouldn't practice their 1st amendment rights or band together to use their combined clout to influence the labor market is ridiculous. Despite discrepancies in the military salary comparison, I'm with you. The problem is military being paid too little, not FF workers advocating for higher wages. And yes, anyone who thinks FF is all about entry level jobs for teens has been asleep since the 80's.

  8. "And yes, anyone who thinks FF is all about entry level jobs for teens has been asleep since the 80's."

    Almost every fast food place I've ever been in 85% of the workers are either teens or old ladies. So yes it is about entry level jobs. Get a clue 4:25 and 8:29.

  9. Here's the truth. $15 per hour is very close to the minimum wage of $1.25 in the 1960's. Back at that time $1.25 would buy 5 gallons of gas. Today at 2.50 per gallon $15 will buy 6 gallons but we all know gas has been as high as $4 per gallon. $15 per hour is peanuts and business, big and small, have been getting a free ride when it comes to what they have to pay employees for a long time.

  10. geezus, some of you people are absolutely mind-boggling ignorant about economics.

    you think forcing a business to raise it's minimum wage to whatever-the-hell is going to improve someone's quality of life??

    obviously those that do think that are products of the failed public edumication industry.

    i own a business. If/when the government forces me to pay higher wages i will let two people go.

    how does that help them?

    Not only that, I will pass those higher costs on to the customers.

    you crying government loving rejects should be ashamed for both believing that garbage, and speaking out in favor of it.

  11. Military also have housing and meal allowances so what is the true income?

  12. In 1975 the price of gas was $.57/gallon and the minimum wage was $2.10/hour. So using that formula min wage would be around $9 not $15. See it's easy to pick and choose numbers to make a case.
    IAW the inflation calculator the min wage should be around $10 to represent the buying power of the 70's.
    Also there isn't any reason to raise min wage when the country has plenty of illegal aliens coming in that work for less money. People if you want the min wage to go up stop letting in cheap labor.

  13. 839, it helps when you actually consult data, not make up your own numbers. 60 seconds on google will likely change your entire perspective IF you are smart enough to make conclusions based off facts, not day dreams and uneducated guesses.

  14. 10:35

    You are correct.

    Not to mention that employers aren't hiring the same types of people at $15 that they would at $8.25. Raising these wages would close these opportunities for most of the people that need these types of jobs.

  15. 4:25 "Maybe she should get off her lazy fat a$$ and be out there protesting with the ambitious ones."

    So you define people who work the most rudimentary and therefore lowest paying jobs available, and then protest to demand more money for said rudimentary job, as "ambitious"? You sure have life figured out. Perhaps you shouldn't worry about apologizing for her ignorance, and worry more about your own.

  16. By 1975 we were already on a downward slide and struggling with inflation.

    Until just recently gas has been $3.50 you would need to make S14.00 to buy the almost 4 gallons you were buying back in 1975 for your $2.10. I will also tell you that I was making $2.22 as summertime union unskilled labor in the late sixties when minimum wage was about $1.45.

    Also to the business owner who is getting rid of two employees if the minimum wage goes up. You might as well get rid of them now. If you won't need them later it is unlikely you need them now.

  17. 8:18 Since you want to continue to make invalid comparisons using a volatile commodity i.e. gas, let me try again. In 1967 min wage was $1.40 having been raised from the previous $1.25 set in 1965. Using the U.S. inflation calculator that would correspond to a wage of $9.84 today. Yes the current min wage is lower than it should be however if you look at official government statistics less than 5% of the workforce makes min wage and of that group almost 50% are under the age of 25. Also to 11:49 unlike you I can look up and use real data to make an argument because I am smart enough to make conclusions off facts.

  18. I don't know any of you are bitching about minimum wages. Unless you are afraid of 'unskilled' workers getting near what you are making?

    We live in a capitalistic country. People try to get as much money as they can, and spend the least that they can. Whatever the market will bear.

    If these 'unskilled' workers can improve their lot in life, why are others trying to put them down? They feel superior?

    I doubt most of you could do what these people do. Not without training anyway. Oh wait, training? As in trained to do a job? It might not be running a chicken house but it is a skill.

    Ever hear the term live and let live?

    People don't have a job, and you bitch. People have a job and you bitch.


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