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Monday, April 06, 2015

Army Soldiers Sit Through ‘White Privilege’ Presentation — and the Backlash Isn’t Pretty

The U.S. Army is investigating an unauthorized diversity training presentation on “white privilege” shown to hundreds of Georgia soldiers, USA Today reported, citing an Army spokeswoman.

The Equal Opportunity training presentation was shown to about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon on Thursday, according to Captain Lindsay Roman.

The portion of the program involved a slide projected on a screen entitled ”The Luxury of Obliviousness,” which listed elements of “white privilege.”



  1. talk to any college age student today, they are being inundated with this crap

  2. But 80% of blacks are getting free food elec housing cell and there talking about white privileges?

  3. It is Whites that have caved in and they are the ones forcing this crap on us. Yes white Americans are forcing this on us. They are called Democrats.

  4. damn right there is white privilege. Mainly because I earned it. Take this weak ass subject elsewhere.

  5. "White Privilege" is just another made up excuse to explain away the failures of white Liberal policies that have decimated the black family unit. All by design I might add.

  6. Nothing will piss a hard working guy off more then this BS
    Just a buuch of limp wrist types shoving their progressive mommy and daddy paid for educated drivel onto real men and women.

  7. 11:16 Truth.

    Rights are for everyone, but privileges are for those who earn them.

  8. 10:46 It is White women that caved in. Without the White women vote Oh Blaa Blaa never gets elected.

    Bunch of Mud Sharks got him elected.


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