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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Anti-vaxxer mother recants after her seven children contract whooping cough

Tara Hills says her family is living with the “consequences of misinformation and fear” over childhood immunisations

A Canadian mother-of-seven has been forced to rethink her anti-vaccination stance – after all her children fell sick with whooping cough.
North America has seen a growing number of families opt out of immunisation programmes, frequently because they are concerned about side-effects, despite warnings that deadly childhood diseases such as measles are on the rise.

Tara Hills and her husband decided to stop vaccinating their children six years ago after losing faith in the health care system, according to a blog post in which she described the family's experience.

“I’m writing this from quarantine, the irony of which isn’t lost on me,” she said.



  1. How week people are today in their formulation of an adherence to their beliefs. She just knew that vaccines were bad. Now she says that they are not. Could it more likely be that some are legit and some are not necessary?

    Ehhh, she'll figure it out eventually.

  2. Anti vaxers can just keep on wearing their tin foil hats. Thinning the heard of the stupid is good for the gene pool.

  3. 12:13. Maybe someday you will learn the difference between week and weak. Intelligence on display.


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