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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Al Sharpton to Visit Baltimore Over Custody Death, Riots Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/US/Al-Sharpton-Baltimore-Freddie-Gray-death/2015/04/27/id/641090/#ixzz3Ybd7pgy9 Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

The Rev. Al Sharpton is jumping into the controversy over a Baltimore man's death from injuries he suffered while in police custody, announcing Monday that he'll visit the riot-torn city this week and is planning a march next month.

Freddie Gray, 25, died April 19, a week after he suffered spinal cord injuries while in custody, and Sharpton says that's when activists and clerics first urged him to visit the city, the Baltimore Sun reports.
"I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement," Sharpton said. But he says he resisted getting involved until news that a report on Gray's death might not be made public this week.

The Sun reports that Police Commissioner Anthony Batts has said police expect to present a report on Gray's death to the state attorney's office by Friday, though it's unclear whether it will be made public.

"I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1," said Sharpton, who heads the Harlem-based National Action Network. "It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed."


  1. While he is in Baltimore, maybe he can take the short drive to DC and go to the IRS building and pay all his $4.4 million in back taxes. That is a lot of money that could go to helping the poor he is always boo-hooing about.

  2. He should just hang himself.

  3. Looks like Baltimore is about to get worse with Sharpton showing up. What a complete failure as a human being this man is.

  4. that'll help calm things down! lol!!

  5. Governor Hogan should instruct the State Police, National Guard, or whoever, to stop him at the state line and point him back in whatever direction he comes from. Freddy's Fashion Mart? Crown Heights? Tawana Brawley? He has enough people's reputations and blood on his hands, let's not add to that.


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