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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Viewer Writes: May I tell you my latest Comcast nightmare?

I have two accounts with Comcast at two different locations. I decided last week to add landlines to both accounts. The installation was done last week in Ocean City. Today, I tried to access that account online, which I have done for 6 years. Apparently, a new e-mail address was set up when the land line was installed. We were not told about this, not given the account log in or password. I was able to get that info via phone. I tried to access my account through the new e-mail address, but it wouldn't let me in without a PIN #. No one gave me a PIN #, and no one WILL give me a PIN #. They offered to e-mail it to me. Guess where they e-mailed it? Yep. To the new e-mail address that won't let me in without the PIN #! Seriously? I have spent literally over 5 hours on the phone and online chat with Comcast today and STILL have no resolution! I am completely frustrated, angry and fed up! A technician was supposed to come to the other location today to install a land line. I cancelled the appointment but no one told the technician and he showed up anyway (an hour late) and I sent him packing. I guess Comcast doesn't want me to pay my bill, doesn't want my business, and hasn't done a damn thing to improve their horrendous customer service.
Will somebody PLEASE start a new internet/tv/phone company???!!!!!


  1. Why do you think Concast made DirectTv remove the Rob Lowe ads..?? They can't handle the truth.....it's sad that a company has that much pull....

  2. We also had a big problem with Comcast about our account in MD. We tried unsuccessfully for several days to get thru to talk with someone to snowbird our account.
    Went online to try...you can upgrade your account online, but you cannot downgrade. Finally we went online and found the CEO's name and address and wrote him a nice letter explaining our situation and asked that our letter be forwarded to someone who could fix our situation. We got results and a letter from someone in consumer relations asking us to call him. In the meantime, we paid well over $100 for a month that we weren't in MD but they wouldn't change that.

  3. We agree. They need competition.
    Our bill just leaped from an already ugly $215 to $330 per month. Craziness.
    Hello Verizon People. FiOS please.

  4. Unfortunately they are the only game in town. Most cable companies are locked into towns for service by contract. I have been in one town in this country which offered you a cable choice and that was Columbus, Ohio. Just like Ocean Pines you have no choice and usually no other company wants to pay for a system installed by a competitor, they usually are not compatable with each other.

  5. No one can compete with Commoncast because our local officials saw it necessary to give them a monopoly in the cable distribution area. The only way the decent people around here will ever defeat Commoncast is everyone band together and stop using them period. As you well know that will never happen. Commoncast skirts around local and regional laws and regulations and out elected officials do absolutely nothing to stop them and hold their feet to the fire so they are pretty much untouchable.

  6. Every time my internet or cable goes out, it's at least an hour just to get someone and then they insult you by asking if you have power, if you have checked your connections, have your reset you cable box?

  7. Once you get Comcast you also better become a technician and know exactly what to do to fix things if it goes down. They will not come to your house unless you pay the technician - well hello, most 70+ year old people do not know a blame thing about all these electronics and know what is supposed to go where and they just act like you're an embicile because you don't know what they are talking about.

  8. I'm getting ready it to stick to Comcast for a change. If I need to use a computer that bad I have a library card and have access to free internet there. I've had a cell phone for work for a long time, so I really don't need a land line. They will never change their greedy ways unless a lot of people do the same.

  9. Comcast is pathetic on anything.Sometimes I push a button on THEIR remote and the whole damn tv goes haywire, like the signal has a glich in it.F- comcast.

  10. Do we even have a current cable franchise agreement? Best I could tell it was extended a year ago.

    For all the complaints about Comcast, that Franchise Agreement is the reason. No competition exists to keep prices in check and improve service.


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