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Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Letter To The Editor 4-20-15

I went to 3rd Friday this last, meeting and greeting with Gov. Hogan and Mr. Culver and delegates Adams and Anderton, among others, and observed the following.

“Echelon” is gone, and a new restaurant is there “Under new management”. Starts with an “S”, I think… nobody but bartenders in there, even with a Plaza packed with people right outside. I expressed my note of this to my 25+ Y.O. daughter, and she followed up with a response that took me incompletely by non-surprise! She said, “Unless you’re one of the “Downtown In- Crowd”, you can’t do crap in the downtown area”.

I want everyone reading this to think about that for more than a moment.

In order to get a new business in this downtown, one must not have any business sense, experience in the bar or entertainment business, or, for that matter, any business at all! All you need is to be an “In” crowd member! Well, isn’t that special!

What downtowns in America are oriented around the Bar scene? Can anyone think of one? I can’t. Restaurants and bars where I come from feed off existing crowds who come to a place for a reason. After all, everybody gets hungry and thirsty wherever they are, but that is the point I’m making. When people get hungry and thirsty, and they’re home, they will most probably make a ham sandwich and grab a beer from the fridge, not run to a downtown area! If they are at work, they will grab a half hour lunch , but not have a beer. People go to downtown areas to shop for things for their households; clothing, furnishings, antiques, unique foods, oddities and such. Nobody “goes out drinking” anymore with all the concentration LEO’s have on DUI’s. To have a successful lot of high end bars and restaurants, you need a large customer base. Everybody will have a meal and two beers, but no one will drink three! Downtown shoppers have the day off and disposable income in their pockets because their spouses or themselves have good, steady jobs or a well -earned retirement package. Not a whole lot of college students.

So, now we have many high end restaurants opened up on the plaza, and 2 or 3 Bridal shops. Let’s see, The original and best loves are Market Street Inn, (Go, Brooke!) Add the Cellar Door and Roadie Joes,, but all of a sudden in 8 months or so, there’s the Brick Room, Echelon, Whatever they named the old fire station band place, and whatever high end restaurants across town that are already established. What else is there? A pizza shop, some art storefronts that only open for a few hours a day or two every other month, if at all, the Health Department, the GOB, some lawyer offices and the court houses, (real crowd pleasers, there), the Chamber of Commerce, Whiting Turner Construction, Gillis’ office, and Barbara Mikulski’s office.

Wait right here ‘til I get back! Does that sound like fun or what? Oh, and we get to pay to be there or get fined if our appointment goes overtime. Bonus!
I have never been so glad in my life that I’m not a Democrat Piece of “In Crowd”.

There is only this much room in this town for high end restaurants, and then, there ain’t no more.

When Wicomico County has no jobs, and the unemployment rate is highest in the state, and the County, I really don’t see where the sustainable income for all these bars is coming from. Bottom line, there are no high end, disposable income jobs coming to Salisbury, and most of what was here has gone. Liarton surely isn’t working towards getting any manufacturing, shipping, or warehousing jobs here. Nobody is going anywhere to shop without disposable income.

Wicomico (and the State) needs to attract lots of good paying companies to get our unemployed back in the work force manufacturing quality products. That is how to “Revitalize” a downtown and shrink ghettos. Opening up countless high end restaurants just won’t do it.


  1. Writer,I am shocked that this is a revelation to you.

  2. This article is spot on.. Echelon never had a chance--never went there but their menu looked uninspiring.

    People go to OC, Cambridge, or Easton to eat--but they would never think to come to Salisbury to eat--that is where the problem lies--too much crime(ever been downtown after 9pm --scary

    Salisbury is so over

  3. I know everyone is griping about Jim Ireton and they are all saying "Jake Day for Mayor." Isn't that the same thing everyone said when Jim Ireton was running against Barrie Tilghman! Now look what we got.

    Guess what?? The same thing is going to happen when Jake Day is elected Mayor. It's going to be the same ole song and dance that we've heard for the last 25 years.

    You idiots keep voting for Democrats and this is what you end up with in Salisbury.

    The Chamber of Commerce has already put all it's eggs in one basket supporting Jake Day for Salisbury's next mayor. Well I have news for you, anyone with half a brain will run from anyone the Chamber of Commerce supports for Mayor. The Chamber of Commerce as screwed this city up for at least the last 25 years.

    Here is another thought to ponder. Jake Day is not who you want for Salisbury's Mayor!! Another empty suit.

    All Jake Day is, is someone who has never worked a day in his life. Jake Day is someone who has always been given a job. Since he has been on the City Council he has been employed by the Lower Eastern Shore Land Conservancy(other losers employed there include Josh Hastings and Wayne Gilchrest). He was then given a cushy job at Salisbury University so he can be more available to play politician. Then Daddy and Jim Perdue creates a job specifically for Jay Jay at Perdue as some intergovernmental do nothing job where he can come and go as he pleases.

    Jake also plays wannabe hero G.I. Joe, but he has never seen action in his life. He has only been a chauffeur a general and now he gets to play weekend warrior so he can take picture to post on Facebook making it look like he is a war hero. Now he will use those same pics as campaign fodder. Kind of reminds me of what John Kerry did with Viet Nam footage. It must be a Democrat thing.

    So with that said you better think long and hard about Jake Day for mayor because once he is elected you will be stuck with him for the next 4 years and possibly many terms after that. Salisbury has a history of being stuck with the worst Mayors ever and they are all Democrat.

    Little Detroit is the future of Salisbury.

  4. have NO desire to visit downtown Salisbury. prefer Real downtown atmosphere. Berlin, Pocomoke, Easton, and other beautiful downtowns in Connecticut, Virginia, Pennsylvania.

    Downtown Salisbury is NOT safe anymore.

    So sad we have childish, clueless, no experience leaders.

  5. Jake day and Jim are one in their thinking. When you ask Jake about all the bars he will tell you this is the new way urban planning is done. Bring the bars in first and the others will follow. I do not agree with that logic but I just want to point out that Jake and Jim think the same. Do not kid your self and think if Jake gets elected its not going to be more of the same.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jake day and Jim are one in their thinking. When you ask Jake about all the bars he will tell you this is the new way urban planning is done. Bring the bars in first and the others will follow. I do not agree with that logic but I just want to point out that Jake and Jim think the same. Do not kid your self and think if Jake gets elected its not going to be more of the same.

    April 20, 2015 at 10:11 AM

    The only things bars do is makes money or loses money for the owner, but it is always short term. High turnover with employees and the bars. With bars comes fights, thefts and the need for police and EMS. It is a vicious cycle at the cost to the tax payers.

    We need careers, not low paying temporary jobs.


  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jake day and Jim are one in their thinking. When you ask Jake about all the bars he will tell you this is the new way urban planning is done. Bring the bars in first and the others will follow. I do not agree with that logic but I just want to point out that Jake and Jim think the same. Do not kid your self and think if Jake gets elected its not going to be more of the same.

    April 20, 2015 at 10:11 AM

    Jim Ireton is Barrie Tilghman and Jake Day is Jim Ireton. Got it!!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I know everyone is griping about Jim Ireton and they are all saying "Jake Day for Mayor." Isn't that the same thing everyone said when Jim Ireton was running against Barrie Tilghman! Now look what we got.

    Guess what?? The same thing is going to happen when Jake Day is elected Mayor. It's going to be the same ole song and dance that we've heard for the last 25 years.

    You idiots keep voting for Democrats and this is what you end up with in Salisbury.

    The Chamber of Commerce has already put all it's eggs in one basket supporting Jake Day for Salisbury's next mayor. Well I have news for you, anyone with half a brain will run from anyone the Chamber of Commerce supports for Mayor. The Chamber of Commerce as screwed this city up for at least the last 25 years.

    Here is another thought to ponder. Jake Day is not who you want for Salisbury's Mayor!! Another empty suit.

    All Jake Day is, is someone who has never worked a day in his life. Jake Day is someone who has always been given a job. Since he has been on the City Council he has been employed by the Lower Eastern Shore Land Conservancy(other losers employed there include Josh Hastings and Wayne Gilchrest). He was then given a cushy job at Salisbury University so he can be more available to play politician. Then Daddy and Jim Perdue creates a job specifically for Jay Jay at Perdue as some intergovernmental do nothing job where he can come and go as he pleases.

    Jake also plays wannabe hero G.I. Joe, but he has never seen action in his life. He has only been a chauffeur a general and now he gets to play weekend warrior so he can take picture to post on Facebook making it look like he is a war hero. Now he will use those same pics as campaign fodder. Kind of reminds me of what John Kerry did with Viet Nam footage. It must be a Democrat thing.

    So with that said you better think long and hard about Jake Day for mayor because once he is elected you will be stuck with him for the next 4 years and possibly many terms after that. Salisbury has a history of being stuck with the worst Mayors ever and they are all Democrat.

    Little Detroit is the future of Salisbury.

    April 20, 2015 at 9:49 AM

    Comment worthy of a post.

  9. IF it had been planned and marketed properly, I firmly believe an adult destination environment for Downtown would have been unbelievable. I stated that in my campaign and Ireton ran with it. The problem, Ireton ran with HIS version instead of mine.

    My plan would have included successful bar owners like Seacrets, EVO and so many other smart business owners who would capitalize on a unique market.

    Quickly, I strongly suggested closing off the Plaza on Friday and Saturday night and allow open containers to go from one place to the other.

    Nevertheless, it is Ireton's goal to create a LGBT environment right under your noses. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT, but, do so openly to the public. Read deeper into this letter to the editor.

    IF we as a society continue to support and market this environment, well, this is what you will get. Men holding hands with men. Women holding hands with women. Making out on the Plaza. Hey, it is what it is but call it what it really is and or what it will become.

    Now, you decide. Was my idea better then what Ireton is delivering?

  10. i've lived in salisbury my whole life and i've never seen it this bad. there's a whole lot of NOTHING around here! this includes money to go around on my end. in order to make ends meet and PAY ALL MY OUTRAGEOUS TAXES, my family and i don't go out to eat anymore. i imagine i'm not alone. "Mayor", i hope you're reading this. JOBS, we need GOOD PAYING JOBS around here and lower taxes. otherwise, you can kiss the plaza GOODBYE!

  11. Part I

    Jim Ireton is commenting on his FaceBook Page about the article in the Rag about the Fire Service agreement. Jim Ireton goes against the Daily Rag!

    Jim Ireton commented on an article.
    2 hrs · Edited ·
    Ahhh, what the Daily Times doesn't tell you. When the City went to mediation with the county, they were told: Non-binding, no money. The City has been trying to get back its 2.2 M. That's 2.2 M, every year, for over a decade. The City has put forth plans to solve the problem. Mr. Roberts, below, if it were your money, you would want me to go get it. Today, I will continue to update this post with information that the Daily Times didn't give you. Jim Ireton

    Ireton's right on principle, wrong on ultimatum
    Jamie Heater like this.

    Maryanne Orsine Brown - Is this a Camden Ave fire from years ago where an SU student died in the fire?
    2 hrs · Like

    Tom Rohrer - The protection of life and property is the ultimate goal here.

    There needs to be mutual aide agreements in place to cover both the City and the County. ...See More
    2 hrs · Like

    Blair Catlin Brown - For better or worse, we live in a Capitalist society. Part of that framework is that nothing happens without money. Human lives are put at risk every day in such a structure as vital programs and positions are cut. Not saying that's right or wrong; it just is.
    2 hrs · Like · 1

    Maryanne Orsine Brown - Dru John Bragg, do you remember this fire?
    2 hrs · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - Why don't the city limits make more sense?
    2 hrs · Like

    Jim Ireton Elizabeth - Because Maryland is a home-rule state and municipalities cannot annex property. Property owners must request annexation if they want to become part of the city limits.
    2 hrs · Like · 1

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - So then areas that want city fire coverage should join the city.
    2 hrs · Like

    Jim Ireton - Age-old question, Elizabeth! What the city has to do is get a concession from the county. We can't negotiate when we are already 2.2 M in the hole each year. Either the Salisbury Fire District has to shrink or the money has to be paid. Hopefully, we begin working on a solution on April 28th. Jim
    2 hrs · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - Well, new land acquisitions = more property taxes right? That's at least worth a trade.
    2 hrs · Like

    Jim Ireton - The City already covers all the land inside the bypass, whether or not it is city or county. The Daily Times conveniently left out the map that shows you how much we cover, inside and outside the city limits.
    2 hrs · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - I would love to see such a map.
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - http://www.gannett-cdn.com/.../635647857339694116-SFD...
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - The taxpayers in the brown pay for the service to all of the brown and pink. Over 8000 EMS calls and over 3000 Fire Calls a year. The city loses 2.2 Million dollars a year in the current situation.
    1 hr · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - I would like to state that as far as the ultimatum goes, I'm not confident that it would be obeyed by all people involved in emergency services.
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - Wow - now it goes to lawlessness. Incredible that anyone would think they could use public money/property without permission or not within the guidelines. Honestly, who do they think they are?
    1 hr · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - People who can't stand by and let people die in burning buildings.
    1 hr · Like

  12. Jim Ireton vs. the Daily Rag Part II

    Jim Ireton - In the end, if the City owed the county 2.2 M dollars and over 15 Million dollars over the past decade, you can sure as heck know they'd be knocking on my door to get it. Please don't say what you have said above. The service will be provided, it just depends on whether or not Wicomico County wants to pay for it to come the fastest. Done for today on this, have a good one, Elizabeth.
    1 hr · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - So, then it's a "slow down" of service not a "boycott"?
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - Yes, a fire company is still coming, regardless. Please make sure you have facts about this. If you want I can email all of the information. Facebook is not good for facts. jireton@citylivingsalisbury.com
    1 hr · Like · 2

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - Well that does make more sense, I'm glad you cleared that up for me.
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - Here are some facts, expect them to come all throughout the day. SFD responds to 62.95% of the total fire calls in Wicomico County

    SFD responds to 66.71% of all EMS calls in the County
    SFD protects 56.58% of the County population
    SFD protects 58.38% of the County's assessed taxable base
    1 hr · Edited · Like

    Elizabeth Graisbery Dale-Morningdove - So are the county fire departments volunteer or paid?
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - Our Fire Departments are combined. More stats: SFD Fire Calls: 2817 Rest of County 1675 SFD EMS Calls 8348 Rest of County 4107 County Fire Depts are Volunteer except for paid/shared EMS personnel
    1 hr · Edited · Like

    Jim Ireton - Total spending: SBY = $6.8M
    County = $4.3M
    1 hr · Like

    Jim Ireton - We put forward an Assessable Base Model for funding all Fire Departments in Wicomico County. It is the creation of a new fire and emergency services tax for all of Wicomico County that is designed to fund each FD more equitably for services rendered base the amount of assessable base within each fire district.
    1 hr · Like

    Bob Grim - Will County Fire Departments respond to 'bury fires if needed?
    58 mins · Edited · Like

    Jim Ireton - If it is in their fire district, yes. Those districts have to change (see map above) or the city has to be paid for the services it provides. That is the crux of this discussion.
    57 mins · Like

    Bryan Cook Jim,What is the percentage of calls the city responds to in the county area of the fire district? Not total calls for the county. Just simply confined to the Salisbury fire district versus just in city district and excluding mutual aid calls to other districts. (can't count these as these are mutual aid agreements and separate)?Fire and EMS separate if you would please. Thanks.
    28 mins · Edited · Like

    Jim Ireton - I will get them Bryan - please let the questions that are coming from this thread be answered and discussed. Thanks
    25 mins · Like

  13. Joe, often I agree w/ your thinking but opening downtown to public drinking from bar to bar would only cause problems by the college crowd and the thugs Look what happened to the Salisbury Festival w/ its beer fest. I may be wrong but have said for years that a fork should be put in downtown, it is done. Trying to upgrade by inserting bars is not going to do it. However, what the hell do I know!!!

  14. I have thought the same thing as the writer for many years. There simply is nothing downtown to attract that many people and if the only thing that you have are high-end restaurants and bars then you are limiting your ability to make money. Not to mention that the parking situation is atrocious. Maybe it is too late for downtown, just go ahead and level it so that the few people that actually take 50 Business can get a broader view of the other old buildings that used to make up a nicer Salisbury.

    Bring BIG BUSINESSES to the area, not bars. The Crossroads of Delmarva should be just that, a center for businesses. Once people are working then they could be spending money on the restaurants and whatnot.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

  15. As a sales rep. For a national company I cover most of the Eastern Shore. Dealing with professional people I am amazed at the opinion they have of Salisbury. They all have questions of how this could happen to what was the once looked at as the model they wanted to be. They look at the fancy pants hiss y fit throwing leader that only is interesting in his satisfaction and that of his kind. It saddens me to listen to them talk about a city that I was once so proud of. Wake up Salisbury before it's to late.

  16. Lots of slumlords, government employees, those elected to office and attorneys are the ones with disposable income to spend on the plaza. Where Echelon was I believe is another John Robinson brainstorm, trying to cash in on something he knows nothing about as usual.

  17. Some of the people in power here,farmers and the some of the old rich like it here just the way it is and unless a bridge burner is elected this area will stay just like it is.

  18. Tell Ireton the city needs to build their own jail, the county taxpayers are tired of his foolishness! The list could go on, Check Mate Jimmy!

  19. What downtowns in America are oriented around the Bar scene? Can anyone think of one? I can’t.

    ARE YOU SERIOUS..please.

  20. @Joe A. @ 10:22 AM..

    Yes we get it. GAY BARS!! Jim Ireton and Jake Day are trying to make Downtown Salisbury a GAY BAR destination just like Rehoboth Beach.

  21. I have it from a good source that Jim Ireton is requesting $14,000,000 from the state to help revitalize Downtown Salisbury.

    Why do you thin the Governor of Maryland took that quick tour of Downtown Salisbury on Friday evening.

    It's a fact Jack!!

  22. Bryan Cook Jim,What is the percentage of calls the city responds to in the county area of the fire district? Not total calls for the county. Just simply confined to the Salisbury fire district versus just in city district and excluding mutual aid calls to other districts. (can't count these as these are mutual aid agreements and separate)?Fire and EMS separate if you would please. Thanks.
    28 mins · Edited · Like

    Jim Ireton - I will get them Bryan - please let the questions that are coming from this thread be answered and discussed. Thanks
    25 mins · Like

    Wow!! Jim Ireton refuses to answer a quick question from Bryan Cook who is a Volunteer Fireman in Salisbury and lives in the County.

    That response proves that Jim Ireton doesn't care about the volunteer system in the Salisbury Fire Department and definitely doesn't care about the citizens in the County. He blew Mr. Cook off as though he was trying to hijack the thread. Jim's comment was "please let the comments coming from this thread be answered and discussed." Only an idiot or Jimbo Lover would think that Mr. Cook's questions were off topic.

  23. As I am reading this blog I am listening to the scanner and I am hearing Parsonsburg, Delmar and Hebron get dispatched to ambulance calls in Salisbury while the paid firemen are dispatched in fire trucks to stand by until the out of town ambulances get to the call.

    So Jim Ireton is demanding more money from the County to send fire trucks to ambulance calls, but it is Ok for the County ambulances to come into Salisbury for Free??? What am I missing here?

    Proves to me that the current fire chief is mismanaging the budget and the current resources. WTH do you need to send a fire truck on an ambulance call anyway? Do those fire trucks have a stretcher?

    What happens if there is a real fire(which is rare) dispatched while those fire trucks are chasing ambulances?? I bet the abandon the ambulance call.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Tell Ireton the city needs to build their own jail, the county taxpayers are tired of his foolishness! The list could go on, Check Mate Jimmy!

    April 20, 2015 at 11:16 AM

    Jim Ireton you need to build your own Jail and hire your own States Attorneys. 80% of the crime is coming from within the city borders. The jails are housing your criminals that live in low income housing. They are committing the crimes to supplement there free rental housing, Food Stamps, Welfare, EBT cards and Medicaid. The county sheriff's and state police officers are constantly arresting criminals in the city because they just happen to come up on the crime while they are driving through the city to investigate another incident in the county. The Sheriff's deputies have to drive in the city to get to other parts of the county because of the screwed up city borders. The 911 centers have to dispatch the police and EMS as well as fire calls to Salisbury police, fire and EMS. All 911 calls are answered by Wicomico County 911 dispatchers paid by Wicomico County tax payers.

    There is so much that the county tax payers pay for that Jim Ireton doesn't let you know about.

    Is Jim Ireton telling you about the mutual aid agreement already in place that the Salisbury Fire Department is bound to?

    Does Jim Ireton tell you about the $1 million dollars and more that Wicomico County tax payers pay for the fire service?

    Does Jim Ireton tell you that the fire trucks are not needed on every ambulance call?

    Does Jim Ireton tell you that the fire trucks aren't dispatched on ambulances calls, but they go on them anyway and this creates a burden on the 911 dispatchers paid for by the county?

  25. 9:49 is absolutely a comment worthy of a post. Jake Day at this point seems to be a shoo in for mayor later this year. He needs to be exposed for what he really is.

  26. I hope that the chef at Echelon finds another job somewhere close by. Their menu was small but everything on it was excellent. Daily specials would have been a good idea to expand the chef's offerings and to keep the menu fresh.
    They opened on a shoestring and their reserve got eaten up too quickly for them to survive - planning and management issues, both of them.
    I'll be sorry to see them go, but it seemed like it was in the cards.

  27. Let's use the Inner Harbor as an example.
    Everyone likes to give Mayor Shaffer the credit but the credit is due to Mayor McKeldin-the last republican mayor of Baltimore City.
    He started the redevelopment of the harbor by enticing Baltimore and surrounding area companies to open corporate headquarters around the harbor. He believed as well as James Rouse not in the saying "build it and they will come" but more get them here then capitalize on their presence. Rouse didn't build the Mall in Columbia until the villages of Columbia will filled with homes and homeowners.
    It does all start with jobs and jobs that pay enough that people have disposable money.

  28. We should be so lucky to turn Salisbury into another Rehoboth Beach.

  29. You think it is bad now....just wait until the other section 8 housing complex opens and buses start transporting inmates in and out.

  30. Day needs to do his duty in the National Guard and get deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan like everybody else, or is he just entitled to the driver position because of who he knows? Be a man Jake, man-up boy! You are disgrace to the uniform son! Chicken $h!T

  31. Most downtown areas in this country are now places of work.
    Maybe a small bar or sandwich shop type eatery . It's all over for the businesses other than what I've mentioned.
    Of course Salisbury is a little different in that drugs are available 24/7.
    KISS , keep it simple stupid.

  32. 9:49 is spot on.

    If he becomes mayor, Fake Day will ruin Salisbury even if it isn't already past the point of no return.

  33. The end for Salisbury happened when Sbynews abandoned the downtown plaza.

  34. I got to thinking about the WicCo detention center and it would be interesting to know the breakdown of which agency made the arrest of each inmate. The agencies involved would be the sheriff's dept, MSP, Salisbury, Fruitland, Delmar. I would imagine the arrests from Sby PD are the majority and without Sby the detention center could be scaled back to what a fraction it is now.
    Same with the schools. County residents are paying more than they should because of Salisbury. If the mayor wants to nitpick he needs to know it goes both ways.

  35. the trouble with the downtown area is location. It is surrounded by nothing but ghetto rental properties and a few nice businesses. Bad mix that never works.

  36. Look around folks, is there anything you want downtown? Violent crime ,prostitution, and gangs. No thanks.

  37. only charging whites a cover charge what did they expect. Echelon should be closed. In thirty years I have never had city of Salisbury service so now they are thinking I need to pay 250.00 a year for not using it. The city limits should be the bypass and complete the circle that should be city limits. The city limits looks like a puzzle missing many pieces


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