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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Foolish Bet On The Old Clinton Magic

If you want to know why Democrats should be worried after Hillary Clinton’s first week on the campaign trail, ask yourself this question: Can you imagine Marco Rubio, Scott Walker or Jeb Bush walking into a Chipotle wearing big, dark sunglasses, trying not to be recognized?

Can you imagine Barack Obama doing it?

Maybe Clinton’s future’s so bright she has to wear shades, but the grainy security camera pictures of the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination hiding from voters presents a troubling contrast with the growing Republican field.

Clinton planned to launch her presidential campaign with an intimate “listening tour” where she could meet and interact with everyday Americans. But when she had the chance to meet and interact with some actual everyday Americans eating their burritos, she avoided them. Then her campaign staged a visit to an Iowa coffee shop, recruiting “fake” everyday Americans for her to meet and talk with.

Who stages a visit to a coffee shop?



  1. Bill was affable, personable, and well liked, which made him the candidate he was and eventually won him the Presidency. Hillary possesses none of those qualities. She also seems to think she's already got this wrapped up.

  2. The Clinton's are last years calender.


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