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Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Contributor Writes: It's As If SBYnews Had Already Predicted the Rioting in Baltimore

Since SBYnews is the ONLY publication that has previously published the jobs statistics for Wicomico County, and, the State of Maryland's deplorable economic environment including the Local Factory Closing List. SBYnews Local Factory Closing chronologically list and documents in excess of 100 disappearing businesses - some of which were former Fortune 500 companies. We also wrote about and covered extensively about Maryland being the NO.2 State in Housing Foreclosures.

It's almost as if the entire staff at SBYnews was acutely aware that something unprecedented was about to happen. And guess what - it happened right before your very eyes - right in Front of a FULL BLOWN NATIONAL PRESS CORE!!! One can accurately say that SBYnews was way out in front of this National event. But in reality - it was a no-brainer from our perspective. You see Maryland has a former Democrat Mayor/Governor - Martin O'Malley - who is right now traversing across our Country touting about Maryland's creation of high paying jobs, touting high educational standards, touting just about everything that people wished for - but in actuality - the Democratic controlled Maryland Legislation is WAS - AND IS - A TOTAL FAILURE. And the entire City of Baltimore now knows it - as the national episode plays out before an INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE.

Thank you SBYnews for being the most credible source of information - not just locally - but internationally.


  1. Amen to all of that!

  2. 2:09 Agreed. I think people are waking up. The GOP experienced an historic in last Fall. More incidents like Baltimore will finish the progressive movement - at least for a while.

    This is what social justice is all about.

  3. Great job Joe for all you and your staff do to keep readers informed :)

  4. like I said before when this is all said and done O'Malley won't be able to get a job selling toothpaste with that phony smile

  5. As an avid SBYNEWS reader, I was just discussing this subject to my wife last night. We were both discussing how on point SBYNEWS was especially in reporting the bad Maryland economic environment.

    In all honesty, it can be said that the National media moguls ripped a page out of SBYNEWS playbook. That's just how accurate SBYNEWS reporting is.

  6. What else more is there to say. I wholeheartedly agree with the writers assessment. Talk about predicting the future? Read SBYNEWS - it's there.

  7. The commentary could not have been scripted any better. Sbynews is priceless - when it comes to connecting the dots.

  8. What really irks me is that all of these Maryland politicians promise you things are going to get better, and how well things are - including people like Representative - Mfume, US Congressman Cummings, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, former Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley.

    It is obvious that the only people they really care about are themselves. What's in it for them. And the hell with the rest of us as we are insignificant.

  9. The article really strikes a cord when you think about it. All that has happened, ample warnings were provided by Sbynews reporting.

  10. After what happened to Baltimore, O'Malley's Presidential bid just hit a major roadblock. If O'Malley thinks that America's antennae won't pick-up on this, he's got another thing coming.


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