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Sunday, April 19, 2015

73-Year-Old Reserve Deputy Pulls Out His Gun and Makes a Fatal ‘Mistake’

An officer yells, “Taser!” and pulls the trigger.

But he was holding the wrong weapon.

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office released video Saturday showing the fatal shooting of Eric Courtney Harris — and police say the killing is the result of a 73-year-old reserve officer’s “inadvertent” mistake,CNN reported.

Harris was caught in a sting allegedly selling illegal weapons to an undercover cop on April 2, but he bolted from the scene when backup officers pulled up to arrest him.



  1. "...“inadvertent” mistake..."

    If you can't tell a Taser from a gun, maybe you shouldn't be a law enforcement officer.

  2. THAT'S one of the guys "protecting" us?
    73 years old?
    Can't tell the difference between a taser and a 9mm handgun?
    And they let him work as a cop?
    Most criminals I've seen would beat his ace into the ground, TAKE his gun and shoot him with it.
    Now, he's just a murderer.
    Another example of someone who should NOT be a cop.
    I wonder how many years HE will get in prison.
    I'm thinking zero.
    Keep cheering.

  3. If you don't want to be shot maybe you shouldn't be selling illegal weapons.

  4. Anonymous said...
    "...“inadvertent” mistake..."

    If you can't tell a Taser from a gun, maybe you shouldn't be a law enforcement officer.

    April 13, 2015 at 11:43 AM

    In many cases reserve deputy means volunteer. Why would someone be a police officer at the age of 73?

  5. Speaking of Reserve Police Officers why doesn't the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office have Reserve Deputy's?

    Reserve Deputies are fully trained and accredited police officers that can carry a weapon and drive police cars. They are more than just a body directing traffic. The Salisbury Police Department has reserve officers and it is nice the small things that they do, but we need volunteer officers that can save of tax dollars and put officers on the street. If a volunteer firefighter can become fully trained, certified and fight fires then why can't we get volunteer police officers.

    Fully accredited Reserve officers are used all across the country and should be used in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  6. Nice

    Oklahoma Self Defense Act – (SDA)

    Oklahoma Self Defense Act (SDA) – Title 21, Oklahoma Statutes, Section1290.1 et seq. The “SDA Law Book”, found on the www.ok.gov website, includes legislative changes that went into effect on November 1, 2014.

    Previous editions of the “SDA Law Book”, revised prior to November 1, 2014, should not be relied upon for determining current requirements and procedures involved in acquiring a concealed handgun license.

    The information listed on this web page is a brief summary of particular sections of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act. The information is provided as a convenience and is not a complete statement of the Oklahoma SDA. The text of the sections of Oklahoma Title 21, Sections 1 through 25 is “the Law” and any discrepancy between the information published here and the SDA should be considered an error or omission. Interested parties are encouraged to review the content of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act provided in whole on the www.ok.gov website.

    Self Defense Hand Book Previous editions of the “SDA Law Book”, revised prior to November 1, 2014, should not be relied upon for determining current requirements and procedures involved in acquiring a concealed handgun license.

    The information listed on this web page is a brief summary of particular sections of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act. The information is provided as a convenience and is not a complete statement of the Oklahoma SDA. The text of the sections of Oklahoma Title 21, Sections 1 through 25 is “the Law” and any discrepancy between the information published here and the SDA should be considered an error or omission. Interested parties are encouraged to review the content of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act provided in whole on the www.ok.gov website.
    It is the responsibility of the applicant to read and become knowledgeable of the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act. In addition to the basic eligibility requirements, the law includes a number of conditions that affect an applicant’s right to have a handgun license. These conditions are listed under Sections 1290.10 (Mandatory Preclusions) and 1290.11 (Other Preclusions) of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.

  7. 12:20

    THIS IS EXACTLY why they don't have them. Geez.

  8. Anonymous said...

    THIS IS EXACTLY why they don't have them. Geez.

    April 13, 2015 at 12:41 PM

    I knew an idiot like you would make a stupid comment. Just like a gun hating, cop hating libtard to lump all police officers into one basket. Just because they allowed a 73 y/o to have a gun doesn't make all volunteers bad.

    SO YOU ARE SAYING ALL volunteer Paramedics and volunteer firefighters are a mistake? Geez.

    1. They don't go around killing people like cops do. Don't you dare compare oranges and apples ! Wipe your chin. You got cop on you.

  9. I'm glad he ran and got shot. Commit a crime and then run should be an automatic ticket to Hell.

    I just looked at the video and watched this thug take the cops on a high speed chase and then ran on foot. Just think how many people or innocent children this ghetto thug could have killed during the high speed chase. You know he was buying and selling guns to kill someone and you softy libtard gun haters are feeling sorry for this thug.

    You all can kiss my non Democrat arse!!

    Thank you officer, great job. Now time to retire.

    1. Retire in the chair of current! You officer sicken me. What if???? What if didn't happen. What did was an old geezer cop killed a man wrongfully.

    2. Robert Batees killed this man in this photo. Bates face should have been displayed this article. Not the victim.

  10. 73?? really, he had nothing better to do with his time than play cops and robbers. This should be against the law, no one over 62 should be a cop.

  11. Wicomico County Sheriff's Office had Auxiliary Deputies for years and years. Hunter ended the program toward the end of his career. There were no mishaps. He just ended the program.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Wicomico County Sheriff's Office had Auxiliary Deputies for years and years. Hunter ended the program toward the end of his career. There were no mishaps. He just ended the program.

    April 13, 2015 at 8:59 PM

    Of course he did. You can't get more paid officers if you have volunteers doing the job for free. Same thing Rick Hoppes is doing to the Salisbury Fire Department.

  13. His picture REALLY makes one wonder how did he get to have a gun!? That's why it wasn't shown.
    Wouldn't it be great if "we, the people" shot someone and then could turn to the cop standing next to us and say "I'm sorry I shot him"?
    At 73, he couldn't last 10 seconds in a fight. Couldn't run across the yard. I seriously doubt his ability to pull a weapon quickly enough to stop a thug from killing HIM.
    And HE'S the guy "protecting" citizens?
    Does the term "contributory negligence" apply to his superiors?
    They remind me of the geezers double dipping at the Courthouse, posing as "security".
    THEY are going to stop something from happening? They can't even bend over and tie their shoes.
    Their ONLY credible response to trouble would be to get out of the way of REAL cops. Or shoot someone.
    If they did, they would still be golden.
    The "two sets of laws" thing.
    Keep cheering.


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