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Friday, March 06, 2015

Wyoming Now to Indoctrinate School Kids in Global Warming

Wyoming may become the first state to force global warming on kids as part of a state enforced grade school curriculum. Worse, it is a Republican Governor who is signing the bill.

In fact, the bill Republican Governor Matt Mead just signed a bill that re-instates the Common Core-styled state education standards that are falling out of favor everywhere else in the country.

The re-instated standards maintain that global warming is real and caused by human activity.



  1. Can we say RINO, or would that be too politically incorrect?

    Maybe F.U. would be in better order.

  2. MD instituted the "environmental proficiency" propaganda graduation requirement several years ago. We have a new Governor - what are the chances of getting rid of it now?

  3. It's a proven hoax.


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