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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wind farm opposition building steam

CHESTERTOWN — Opponents of a proposed wind farm in Kent County recognize that they are going to need larger venues for their meetings to accommodate the growing number of concerned citizens.

Keep Kent Scenic formed about a month ago over a proposal by Apex Clean Energy to build anywhere from 30 to 50 wind turbines expected to be at least 500 feet tall. What Apex is calling Mills Branch Wind will be spread out over several farms in the center of the county, between state routes 213 and 291.

On Saturday, March 21, Keep Kent Scenic organizers Bill Graham and Janet Christensen hosted an organizational meeting for would-be members. They found themselves with a standing-room only crowd in the Kent County Public Library's main branch in Chestertown.



  1. That's where most of the environmentalists come from that stick their nose in our business here and I cant imagine why they don't like windmills?

  2. They are INDUSTRIAL TURBINES not windmills

  3. 6:08:

    OK, Hillary, what difference doe it make?


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