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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Wicomico County Residents, You Need To Contact Senator Jim Mathias RIGHT NOW!


Text his cell phone 443-497-0911

Ladies & Gentlemen, the time is RIGHT NOW! Senator Jim Mathias is about to assure residents of Wicomico County the Elected School Board will never come out of committee TODAY. 

He is claiming there's not been a strong enough stance on this matter, not enough people have spoken out about it. He went on to say that the black community also needs to be heard. 

We tried to tell you this man would be a great disappointment to the Eastern Shore as Wicomico County is one of only two districts in the entire state that does not have an elected school board. 

It doesn't take a genius to figure out we are way behind the times but as we can ALL see, it's the LIBERAL leadership who is fullly against what the taxpayers truly want. 

Call, text or e-mail Jim today and let your voices be heard immediately. It has to be done within the next few hours. SO DO IT for once in your life. 


  1. Just texted him. Fruitland MD

  2. done. I emailed and texted!!!!

  3. AWESOME people! Keep It Up! I also text him as I am a taxpayer in the County as well.

    Come back here and let us know in comments you have contacted him.

  4. Emailed and told him to step up to the plate!

  5. Done! Hebron, Md. Time for a change!!!

    Please Wicomico County Taxpayers! Text or email!!! Time for a positive change for Wicomico County Children!!

  6. just called his cell phone left message. voter in delmar maryland.

  7. Can't believe he didn't get the message the last election. Liberal ways are on the way out. This will definitely be his downfall next time around. I personally Will do my part.

  8. Thanks for the heads up. Sent him a text from Willards.

  9. 11:28. I will be right there with you. Mary Beth Carozza here you come.

  10. Sent him a text!
    Taxpayer in Salisbury

  11. The last several years when this was attempted the reason the Dems used was that our beloved Rick Pollitt wouldn't support it with the council. Now what is their excuse? I understand whatever has been asked of our council and executive for the makeup of the BOE has been agreed upon even being flexible. This is nothing more than Sen. Mathias thumbing his nose at the voters who elected him to represent us. He should be ashamed to show his face in Wicomico County ever again. Those he claims to be representing aren't even in his district. Go figure.

  12. Texted him and getting ready to call his office. This is ridiculous. All we are asking for is the RIGHT to vote on whether we want an elected school board or not. JIM - WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR RIGHTS?

  13. How darn sad is it that our elected officials won't allow us a vote at the polls. Where is the democracy?

  14. I like the sound of Senator Carozza better. Go ahead Jimmy boy and keep me from voting.

  15. 11:48 AM You are so right. This is only a bill to put this to a vote! Let the people speak. Office called, e-mailed and text messaged. Do I need to send a drone with a special delivery note?

  16. Let me vote. That's all I'm asking for

  17. Done also stated no more common core..its the reason why he doesnt want an elected BOE..ALSO ADDED SCHOOL VOUCHERS NEEDED

  18. Jim your last two elections were close. You do this and you will NOT WIN RE-ELECTION AGAIN! I voted for you in the past, this will be the end for me with you.

  19. This is crazy. You can't make this stuff up! An elected official preventing their constituents to vote. Isn't that a violation of some law?

  20. Senator Mathis true colors are coming out if he does this. It's sad because have voted for him over and over.

  21. Here is my input
    No more common core in Md...yes to an elected school board...best plan would be school vouchers..your support for THE PEOPLE is needed

  22. The problem is the BOE crowd are so emotional and crazy that the normal, rational people are being drowned out. I'm sick of the whiny few controlling the rest of us. It is time the "silent majority" stand up and be heard!

  23. No to an elected school board.
    I don't want half wit politicians running for school board to spring their careers.
    You want to see Laura Mitchell types on your school board?

  24. Jim is obviously afraid of the BOE people and the minorities. He needs to be afraid of the rest of us who won't vote for him again.

    Jim - never considered you a coward until now. Apparently you don't have the guts to say no to the likes of Ireton and Ashanti. Well guess what - the people will finally say NO to you next election.

  25. Jimmy is toting Norm Conway's water on this issue. Apparently he hasn't missed his buddy nor realized the people sent Norm home because he wasn't representing us. Keep it up Senator and you can keep Norm company in 4 years.

    1. Or sooner, we can recall petition him out!

  26. Jim Mathias, I've known you for years. I've always supported you. This I cannot handle. This is a simple thing - giving the voters the right to decide. Who the h#ll do you think you are to think you know better than the voters? If you don't respect me/us to make decisions, don't expect me/us to vote for you next time.

  27. Hope Jimmy's staff is reading this blog. Maybe we need to tell him to check it out!

  28. To those of you, (including Mathias) who believe those working for the BOE will sway and vote, simply look where Norm Conway sits now. In a big Lazy Boy Recliner at his home in Salisbury. Jim would be foolish to believe their votes are important especially after the hundreds of millions of dollars Norm used to support the BOE.

  29. Mary Beth needs to challenge him. I'm in - set up your committee now!

  30. Jim is simply on the wrong side of this issue. Whoever has his ear is going to cost him an election.

  31. Jim's kids went to private school in Worcester County. Who is he to have any say over a vote for or against an elected school board in Wicomico County? He is NOT representing me - if that is what he thinks he is doing. He is listening to a vocal minority. JIM HOPE YOU ARE READY TO LOSE BIG TIME ON THIS ONE.

  32. Emailed him - I vote for Democracy therefore I do not vote for Mathias

  33. Thanks Joe!! We would have never known what happened if you hadn't tell us.

  34. Mathias is a Liberal "lap dog". Promotes and accepts ALL liberal policies he is instructed to support. He has fooled ALL who voted for him. A self serving professional politician much like Rick Pollitt, Martin O'Malley, and President Obama. He has been allowed to entrench himself in politics, without much success or progress to help the people of Maryland. Once again Marylanders continue to blindly support these Bozo's

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Agree with previous comment. Mathias is being a coward. He knows he squeaked through the election and that the majority of voters are supporting more fiscally responsible values. Yet, he is willing to alienate those who crossed party lines to support him by stabbing them in the back to support the likes of Frederickson, Willey, Ashanti, Ireton. New low for Mathias in my opinion.

  37. Done... texted and emailed

  38. 12:15 You are a sick individual. You need to go back to Taylor's blog. You are confused. It is Taylor that has 20 followers, probably less than that. Albero normally doesn't allow filth like this on his blog. I don't read Taylor's for that very reason. Go away!

  39. Is Jim is sleeping at the helm? Orrr.... is he screwing us again?

  40. Shame on you Jimmy Boy. You just turned your back on me. Now I'm turning my back on you. Move over Norm you have company comming

  41. Why doesn't Mathias want an elected school board?

  42. 12:15 must be the one that isn't educated! I feel sorry for him as he didn't use his own education to obviously better himself!!

  43. keep a democrat in offie and you get what they want

  44. It appears to me that 12:15 needs to go back to school and get an education.

  45. The issue should be decided by the Wicomico county voters While he may represent this county's residents, he really shouldn't be involved in issues like this, since he doesn't even reside in the county. I doubt if he spoke or heard from even more than a few percent of those this concerns anyway.
    One thing democrats need to understand and that is those who don't vote democrat are capable of making decisions for their own children. It's only the democrats who fall into the "stupid American voter" who are incapable. This is something the democrats need not EVER forget.

  46. Let's not lose focus of this post. Mathias needs to hear from the voters. Call, email, or me text!!!!

  47. I understand Mathias is concerned about the minorities on the west side. Well guess right Jimbo, you don't represent them - Eckhardt does. STAND UP FOR THOSE YOU ACTUALLY REPRESENT!

  48. 12:35 very good thoughts! This doesn't mean a darn thing to the Senator because he doesn't live in Wicomico, he doesn't pay taxes but he asks for our votes. It won't happen from this voter ever again and I don't care who runs. Reason being, Jim Mathias took my right to vote away.

  49. Joe - why did you allow that obnoxious post through at 12:15? The person is spewing filth and is illiterate to boot. Please rise above that kind of thing, readers don't want to see that filth. That is why no one follows the other blog - too much vulgar language and too many attacks on private citizens with no holes barred.

  50. Jimmy needs to be wary of those of us who speak softly but carry a big stick. Big stick = voting the Dems out of office like in November 2014. You squeaked by, won't happen again.

  51. Can Culver get Hogan to put pressure on Committee? Jim is one vote.

  52. Starting today, I'm lobbying Carozza to run for Senate against him. I will support her financially and with my time. Will courage friends to support her. She has been a better representative in the short time she has been in office than Mathias has in years. This was the last straw for Mathias.

  53. Just texted and emailed as well.

  54. I hope everyone making a comment here is also sending Mathias an email, text, or calling his office.

  55. 12:15--
    Off your meds again??! Wow, what a POS you are!! Anyone with that much venom surely must be a snake!!

  56. The Senator lives in Worcester County and they enjoy an elected school board. But we who live in the adjoining county aren't allowed to enjoy the same type of governance. Mr. Mathias would you please explain why when the Wicomico County elected elected officials all support this legislation? It is a slap in the faces of the voters. My memory is very long. Conway no longer is in Annapolis because of this very issue.

  57. I've supported Jim for a long time but this is ridiculous. How can he not see that the voters should be able to elect a school board, or even have the chance to vote on whether there should be an elected school board? I would think Jim would understand after this happened in Worcester County 10 or more years ago. Jim has gotten support from people outside of his party before, but it seems as of late he only caters to a few.

  58. I'm sick to my gut about this. Finally we accomplished what we were told we had to do, both the executive and council agreed on this. Now the rules change in the middle of the game.

  59. I hope the Senator doesn't need the pay from this office because I'm going to help send him home just like Norm was sent home.

  60. I've seen Maryland politicians thumb their nose at the voters too many times to think this guy will do ANYTHING that might come close to "representing" the people. I texted him anyway.
    See how it works out.

  61. Norm Conway didn't support am elected Jim , looknwhay happened to him

  62. Jim is standing up for some people that aren't even in his district and turning his back on those who put him in office.

    He is pandering and there is nothing worse than one who panders.

    Say good-bye Jim.

  63. emailed this morning, just text now for our right to vote....

  64. In the end I want to see school board members who are chosen by their resumes and accomplishments, not by way of a political gifting or popularity contest.
    If the populace can get the vote, it can also set the standards.

  65. Just texted:

    Wicomico County voters pay for the right to vote on an elected school board with our tax dollars. You don't live in this county and your county of residence HAS an elected school board. Why do you seek to deny the taxpayers of this county the same opportunity!? Let the residents of this county SPEAK for this county.

  66. Senator Mary Beth Carrozza

    I like that, just remember Jim, Norm Conway didn't support an elected board either.

    PS- I know exactly how many votes it is going to take in Wicomico to remove you. Think the next candidate will ignore Somerset? Think again Jim.

  67. Houston we have a problem.How those who refuse to address the will of the public continue to get elected?

  68. Texted. He is such a stooge though.

  69. Texted and emailed.

  70. Texted and Emailed

  71. Senator, the BOE has just requested $10.5 million over what they received last year. How about you throwing your salary in the pot to help the citizens because you don't want us to have a say who represents us.

  72. Unless the other 23 Maryland counties with elected school boards are deciding to return to government-appointed boards, why is there such a low opinion of Wicomico having a vote on that option?

  73. 3:47, Because the Liberals have a lot to hide in Wicomico County. None of them want to be held accountable. You know, like, GIFT CARDS!

  74. I just put my Mike McDermott ans Corozza signs back up in the front yard, Jim.

  75. Joe, Bassett has posted an article on the proposed BOE budget and they want a 5.85% increase. THIS IS WHY WE NEED AN ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD!

  76. Wonder what Norm and his BOE buddies paid to prevent this from moving through the committee?

  77. Liberal democrats don't like giving up power over the people.They forget they work for us.

  78. I'm all for getting rid of Mathias...but all of the Carozza talk is premature. We have two state senators representing our county and not much is being said or done for us by Eckardt...and none of you seem to want to hold her accountable either.

    Carozza is in her first year and has not done anything herself. She has not record for good or bad so don't get out the bunting just yet! How about we wait and see what she actually does? I see and read nothing from her here...just saying. I like her, but Wicomico deserves a lot more that what I have seen as a voter.

  79. e-mail sent thanks

  80. Senator Eckardt supported and testified in the house for the bill even though she has a very small section of Wicomico County. On the other hand Senator Mathias represents the largest cross section of Wicomico and he is killing it before it comes out of committee.

  81. 5:02 Addie is the Senate sponsor of the school board bill!

  82. To 12:00 pm poster: Then get out there and run for office don't sit back in your arm chair complaing, it's half-wits and nit-wits on the board now! We need a board that is answerable to the people and not accountable to no one for their idiotic decisions!

  83. Think he's turned off his phone yet?

    Or, it blew up!

  84. Emailed, text message and voicemail!

  85. Jim Mathias represents Jim Mathias.

  86. just emailed him...from Salisbury

  87. Email sent!

    Just emailed david inkrote's lawyer! Got it! Bye bye bobby! 100 days in and he is OUT! So happy. All of us employees are.

  88. Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce

    Please take a moment to complete a quick survey!

    Before your Chamber goes public with a position statement on whether or not Wicomico County should have an elected school board, we want your input.

    Legislation is pending in Annapolis that would pose the question of an elected school board to the voters on the general election ballot in November 2016.

    Five of the board's members would be elected every five years, with an additional two appointed by the county executive and one student member to serve a one-year term.

    Please take a moment and complete this survey at your earliest convenience. Deadline to complete the survey is Friday, March 27th.

    Take the Survey

  89. I thought Jim Mathias supported the Elected School Board? He said he would support it with an amendment changing it to 7 fully elected school board members. Now he is making excuses? I made a mistake voting for that Bum!

    Ernie Davis needs to get a grip and start representing the people and not Mary Ashanti and not Kenny Gaskins.

  90. So, 247am, There's no SACC survey on their web site. Where do we find such a thing?

  91. what is the email address / txt address?

  92. Sorry see addresses now
    read article .hadn't paid attention to top. Photo scared me!

  93. well maybe it's time for a recall if he won't listen! Bet that gets his attention!

  94. Just forwarded a text asking him to support the Democratic process. I have also asked friends and family members to do the same.

  95. At least with an elected school board, members who can't bring themselves to hold their one employee accountable will not serve a second term.

  96. The next election is to far away. Mathias
    needs to go sooner than later.

  97. By now - I would have thought that most of those commenting would have figured out that Senator Jim Mathias is not supportive of the Democratic process. In case you aren't aware - his home District has an elected school board. So this BOZO is just another one of those flim-flam, flip-flopper politicians that has no scrupples. I read above whereby many posters said he should be recalled. I AGREE.

  98. In case you missed it Carl Anderton seems to be quite pleased that it didn't pass. WTF is wrong with him.

  99. Anonymous said...
    Just texted him. Fruitland MD

    March 25, 2015 at 10:50 AM

    What's his personal cell?

  100. Jim's been heard saying all week "alberos time will come, and when it does,we're gonna bury him so deep he'll never get out'

  101. To 11:07 Poster

    That's what the liberals always do - try and destroy the messenger. They don't want people to think for themselves - but instead - be led off the edge of the cliff while the 'Pied Piper (Jim Mathias) leads them.

    I have seen it time and time again. The liberals are still at it trying to invoke mind control among the masses. All SBYNEWS is doing is reporting the events.

    Jim Mathias has no one to be ashamed of except himself. After all, he is the TRUE HYPOCRITE - just check the record for yourself.

  102. Saw on WMDT that it is the Wicomico County Education Association delaying this because they support a fully elected BOE. Anderton was on and said this could be a good thing. Please be careful with WCEA Carl Anderton. They would rather have a fully elected BOE where they can support all of the liberals to run than a hybrid board that would allow Bob Culver to appoint anyone. What looks good on the outside has different motives on the inside. They don't want our county executive to have ANY say.

  103. Jim Mathias (Senator for Worcester Co., Wicomico, Somerset) should recognize this is not a match between him and SBYNEWS. But rather - it is JIM MATHIAS VERSES THE CITIZENS. I agree with many of the above commentators observations, his action of withdrawing support for an elected school board is certainly not reflective of the Democratic processes.

  104. Apparently, Jim Mathias did not learn a thing about the last election. If he had taken a chance to investigate as to why his com padre, Norman Conway, lost the most power position in the Legislature (House Appropriations Chair) one would have thought he would have seen the 'handwriting on the wall'. It's was Norman's backdoor effort to stifle Wicomico's Elected School board - last go around - that cost him his seat. As one of the other posters said earlier, Jim Mathias will inevitably have to learn the hard way - you'll see. He signed his own political 'death warrant' by his own inaction on this legislation.

  105. Well, Jim, I guess you managed to pi$$ everybody off! I didn't see a supporting comment here, did you? Gosh, maybe you made a big mistake.

    So, when you finally figure this one out, and it may take more than an hour, maybe you could step back and correct your stupidity.

    Or would that be "above" you?

  106. Carl is less than pleased, take my word for it. He was very on board with a hybrid school board. What is the position of the WCEA exactly? When a Democrat is in office, they didn't want elected anything. Now that a Republican is in office, they want fully elected? Quite frankly though, the bill wasn't for elected, appointed or hybrid. It was giving the people a choice to VOTE at a referendum. looks like Mathias thinks that his own constituents are not worthy of being able to decide for themselves.


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